Revenge of the Spider Queen

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After the whole debacle of DBK taking over the city and being defeated again by Mk, everyone is looking forward to a calm New Years. M/n has gotten the evening for it off so he can walk around with Macaque, Mk saying that he'll help with the food truck.

The weeks leading up to New Years is stressful, the shop being busier than ever. M/n tries to not let the rude, impatient customers get to him, being polite and friendly. Mk is being run just as ragged with people who are working on finishing touches for the floats ordering big deliveries, the smallest still being 30 bowls of noodles.

The day finally ends and the two brothers lean on each other on their way up to the apartment. "Gods, this sucks. I don't want to cook dinner tonight." The silver monkey plops onto the couch, followed by Mk. "Let's just order something for tonight and hope that things slow down tomorrow."

"Well, the issue is mainly that the bull clones destroyed quite a few restaurants, breaking in to get to people hiding in them." M/n says with his eyes closed. "Yeah, I know. But they should be back up and running soon, shouldn't they?" Mk responds, his head resting on the back of the couch.

"Should be." M/n mumbles, exhaustion weighing on him. "I'm going to bed though, and you should too soon. You have training in the morning." Mk groans hearing this. The monkey gets up and walks to his room before letting himself face plant onto his bed, eyes still closed.

He sighs and snuggles into the bedding, causing it to huff. The monkey looks up, confused, bedding doesn't huff. Macaque is lounging on the simian's bed, tail swinging lazily. "Hey there, Moonbeam. Glad you find me comfortable." He smirks. M/n can't find the energy to care that Macaque had technically broken into his room as he lays his head back onto Macaque's stomach.

"Very comfortable." He mumbles, their tails winding together. Macaque chuckles, "Long day?"
"You have no idea." The silver monkey groans. "With New Year's in two days and most restaurants closed, there's less options for people who don't want to or can't cook. Which is great for business, but with only three of us in the shop it's a bit strenuous."

"I bet, Moonbeam." Macaque gently pulls the silver simian up so that M/n's head rests on his chest, allowing the lighter monkey to hear his heartbeat. The two lay like that, silently being there for each other. Macaque can tell when the silver monkey falls asleep, his breathing evening out and deepening. He smiles, running his fingers through the silver fur.

The next morning the silver monkey wakes in the same position he had fallen asleep in. Macaque is still sleeping peacefully, chest slowly rising and falling. His glamour is dropped, all six of his ears on display, along with his scar. M/n smiles and thinks, 'I wouldn't mind waking up like this everyday.' He glosses his eyes, just enjoying the moment.

His door slams open, making the monkeys jump, Macaque sitting up, glamour instantly back on. A growl rumbles in his chest before he gets his bearings. "Oh, sorry!" Mk yells, embarrassed, before slamming the door closed. "Well, that's one way to wake up." Macaque sighs.

"The way I woke up was definitely better." M/n chuckles, giving Macaque a chaste kiss before getting up and going to make breakfast. Macaque chuckles and sighs, getting out of the bed. M/n has decided to make pancakes for the three of them. Mk is sitting on the couch, pointedly not looking at either one.

"Hey, my second favorite student. How have you been?" Macaque asks, sitting next to the young man. "Uh, I've been alright, a little stressed with how busy we've been, but." He shrugs, still not looking at the dark monkey next to him.

"You know, it's rude to not look at people when you're talking to 'em." Macaque's tail flicks. "Sorry, I just feel bad for interrupting what you two were doing." He says, a small blush on his face, mixed with a little disgust at whatever he was thinking. "What, you mean cuddling?" Macaque asks, tail poking Mk's arm.

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