A friend

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Wukong is sitting on his somersault cloud, eating some peach chips as he watches the silver monkey fall asleep. He sighs, the kid hadn't responded when he asked what the simian ate. All he can do is watch over him and hope the kid survives the process.

He looks over as one of his monkeys wanders up and curls against the silver simian's side. The two are sleeping peacefully as he continues to snack on his chips. Soon enough, M/n wakes up. "Hey kiddo, you feeling better?" Wukong asks, hopping off his cloud and walking over. "Yeah. What the fuck was in that peach?" The silver monkey asks.

"Ah, well, apparently, Cai thought you were a closer friend than you are. He gave you something you probably shouldn't have had." Wukong says vaguely, tail lazily swing side to side. "What did he give me?" M/n asks, picking up the small monkey by his side.

Wukong pauses for a second before shrugging, "A peach of immortality from my stash." M/n gapes at the older monkey. "What? So, I'll have to see my friends and family pass over and over?" He asks, looking and sounding small. Wukong sighs. "Sorry kid. If I had known this would happen, I would've stopped it."

M/n pets the little monkey in his lap, looking lost. "Hey, I know it's not ideal, but it's not all bad. I mean, your brother doesn't have to worry as much if you decide to help him. Right?" Wukong tries to lighten the silver monkey's mood. M/n laughs mirthlessly.

Wukong winces slightly. He knows that it's not going to be easy for the silver monkey, but he can try and help the poor guy process everything. M/n takes a shaky breath and stands up. "Will you help?" He asks quietly.

"Help with what exactly?" Wukong asks.
"Help me learn to fight. So I can help my brother. So I can keep him safe?" The silver monkey seems to have decided to just ignore the news he's received. Wukong hesitates. "I mean, I'll be training your brother, but we'll see if we can make a schedule." He says. M/n nods. "Can you take me home? I assume Mk has already left."

Wukong nods. "Yeah. I can take you home. It may not be very comfortable, but I'll take you home so you can rest and process what's happened." He says softly. He summons his somersault cloud under him and holds his hand out for the other to take. M/n grabs his hand and gets pulled up behind the sage. They take off across the ocean with the silver monkey's arms wrapped around Wukong.

The trip to the city was short, but tense. M/n tries to keep himself together. A few tears still fall, but the silver monkey ignores them. He just wants to go to bed for now. Wukong stops in front of the noodle shop. It's closed, but M/n doesn't mind; he has a key anyway. The silver simian waves goodbye as Wukong leaves. He sighs and unlocks the door, going inside and relocking it. He slowly climbs the stairs and flops onto his bed.

He lays there for a while, just staring at the baren walls of his room. He can't find it in himself to move. He listens as the ground rumbles, making him frown. "What was that?" He mumbles. The ground rumbling is the only noise for a good hour or so before it goes quiet. M/n sighs and goes to his brother's room before stepping out onto the fire escape that the pair used as a balcony.

He sees Mk, Pigsy, and Tang all arrive at the shop. The silver monkey waves at his older brother, who waves back excitedly. M/n watches as the trio enter the shop before the door to the apartment slams open and then shut. The door to Mk's room getting slammed open not long after.

"M/n! Thank the gods you're okay!" Mk says, hugging the simian from behind. It makes the younger smile. He debates on if he should tell his brother what happened or not. He sighs, figuring that Mk would hear about it eventually. If it comes from someone else, Mk might think that the younger didn't trust him. M/n sighs before saying, "We need to talk."

Mk immediately sits next to his brother, sending that it's something important. "What's wrong?" Mk asks. The monkey sighs again. "Um, you know how I was acting at Flower Fruit?" He asks quietly. Mk nods, waiting for his brother to continue. M/n swallows his nerves before continuing, "So, before that, I was given a fruit by one of Monkey King's monkeys. It was a peach, but not a normal one." He says, voice breaking, "It was- it was a peach of immortality." The monkey holds his breath, waiting for his brother's reaction.

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