Sweet N' Sour

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(I'm back! Things are fine, my step mom recovered, and I am back to writing! Thank you for sticking with me. This book has blown up more than I ever expected and I'm thankful to all of you that have stuck around. Onto the story! I am skipping a couple of episodes though, since I'm not sure how to make the dumpling episode and the Pig Pong Panic episode interesting without over doing it.)

M/n is out on a delivery, Mei having rebuilt his old bike, but with a couple of improvements. He hasn't heard anything from the Spider Queen, or any of her lackies yet, but he can only hope that's a good sign. As he makes a turn, he hears someone driving behind him. He looks over his shoulder and sees a group of Speedy Panda drivers coming towards him. "Not you fucks again." He mutters, revving his motorbike and turning off down an alley.

The Speedy Panda drivers follow him in a single file line to a dead end, where M/n spins his bike around and uses some nearby trash to vault over them. "Later, Losers!" He cackles. "Too much time with Red Son." He mumbles as he drives away, shaking his head. He makes the delivery and heads back to the restaurant, where he finds Mk holding an ice pack to his cheek. "Let me guess, Speedy Panda?" He sighs.

"I'm so sick of them! They've sabotaged me all week!" Mk complains, throwing the ice pack down into the floor. M/n shakes his head and mutters, "Tell me about it. I barely managed to outsmart them by leading them down an alley and vaulting over them on my bike." The silver simian takes a seat next to Mk, who's still complaining about the Speedy Panda drivers.

"Maybe you could afford to pick up the pace?" Mk says to Pigsy. M/n looks at his brother incredulously. "You did not just say that." The simian says, his tail flicking. "Mk, every dish is prepared with care and a genuine love for the craft. It's what people have come to expect from us, not just as a restaurant, but as a family." M/n explains, his tail curling. "No matter how fast a delivery is, the care and attention we put into our food is something that makes the foundation of this place. It's been in the family for generations!"

Pigsy looks proud and ruffles M/n's hair. "Exactly." The pig demon says, giving a rare smile. A brick through the window interrupts the heartfelt moment. M/n stands up, angry, and pokes his head out the door, seeing a flash of silver and yellow hair disappear around the corner. He growls, tempted to chase after the two demons, but pulls his head back inside and sighs. "We, Speedy Panda, challenge you to Food Wars?" Tang reads.

"I'm helping, Pigsy." M/n says determinedly. "Yeah, me too!" Mk chimes in, holding himself up with his hands on the counter. M/n nods curtly and gives a grin, which Pigsy returns.


On the day of the Food War, Mk and Pigsy find out exactly who's behind the sabotage. "It's Jin, and Yin! The Silver and Gold demons!" The twins say, cackling. "What do you have against my restaurant?" Pigsy asks, shaking his fist at them. "See, here's the plan, right? We figure if we put you out of business, the Monkie Kid will have no job, get weak, and then we can finally finish him off!" The twin demons explain.

"What a dumb plan." M/n huffs, crossing his arms over his chest as his tail flicks behind him, agitated. "Even if we did go out of business, Mk wouldn't go hungry. I'd make sure he didn't by finding another job, keeping a roof over out heads." The simian says, raising an eyebrow. The twin demons look at each other before looking back to M/n.

"We never thought of that." Jin mutters to his brother. "No, but it doesn't matter, we'll still win this and make things harder." Yin mutters back. M/n rolls his eyes and turns to Pigsy and Mk. "Let's show these two what cooking is all about." He says with a grin. Mk and Pigsy nod and give a grin of their own. "Let's do this."

The competition starts with M/n and Pigsy tossing ingredients to Mk, who struggles to catch them before speeding off with them down to the cooking station. He gets sabotaged by the Speedy Panda drivers again, which makes the silver simian irritated, rolling up his sleeves with a threatening smile before Pigsy stops him.

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