Noodles or Death

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The two monkeys eventually decide to go home. Macaque opts to ride with the silver monkey back into the city. The silver simian drops Macaque off at the dojo, grabbing his bag before he heads to his own home.

The next morning Pigsy asks the silver monkey if he wants to join him and Tang on their trip to the market. He agrees, hoping the sinking feeling in his gut is nothing. Upon arriving, Pigsy proceeds to talk their ears off about the produce, pointing out to the simian how for some ingredients, it's better to get the vegetables that aren't quite ripe.

The simian keeps mental notes and smiles, happy to see the more relaxed side of the pig. The three come across a stall that makes the monkey's fur stand on end. The woman behind the counter tries luring the trio to the back, talking about her exclusive wares.

Pigsy quickly follows her, acting unlike himself. The simian wonders if the woman has him under a charm as he follows his dads. They end up stepping on a trapdoor and falling down a long hole into some webbing. The simian growls as the woman makes herself known to them, this time in a mech shaped like a spider.

She's talking to the monkey's dads about how they're going to be dinner before Tang speaks up, telling her that Mk will come and squish her. She chuckles and says, "Dinner will have to wait, we have to get this place ready for company."

The simian struggles to try and break the webs, without success. His growling apparently echoes and irritates the Spider Queen, as she comes back and webs his mouth shut. "You should feel lucky I don't want to piss him off, or else you would be dealt with accordingly." She says, gripping his jaw firmly but gently. The simian gives her a confused look, his growling stopping.

She chuckles and leaves to prepare her ambush. The simian mulls over who she could mean. Mk? No, she wants to lure him in. Wukong? Doubtful, he doesn't have a strong connection to the sage. Pigsy and Tang are here with him, so that wouldn't make sense. Sandy? He doubts she even knows about his existence. That leaves only Macaque, but why would she be worried about pissing off the other monkey? He decides to ask the shadow monkey about it after they get out of this.

A few minutes later, the simian hears rumbling, and then voices. His ears perk up, twitching. Tang notices and whispers to Pigsy, "I think Mk is here." The simian listens carefully before the wall next to him is broken down. Mei and Sandy come through the hole, the simian letting out muffled yells. The two get captured a moment later, being put in the same web as Tang and Pigsy.

The silver simian can't see his brother, but he can hear Spider Queen taunting him, and his brother trying to sass her through his fear. The two eventually end up next to the simian. Spider Queen has Mk trapped in a web. M/n growls, loud despite his mouth being shut. The queen glances at him, saying something. The monkey can't hear her though, all he can hear is the thrumming of his heart, and a crackling noise.

Mk looks at his brother, jaw dropping. The silver simian has white lightning sparking from his fur, his eyes dark. He isn't even paying attention to the threat in front of him, worried for his brother. The sparks catch the webs on fire, freeing the simian. He moves, Mk barely able to track him, as he slams into the mech. The queen only has time to look at the silver simian in surprise before he has her by the neck.

He slams her into the ground, sparking more and growling. The sparks catch the webs that trap Mk on fire as well. He's surprised the fire only burns the webs, but doesn't think too hard on it. He sees that Pigsy, Tang, Mei and Sandy have freed themselves. They call for him and M/n to follow them, but the simian doesn't seem to hear them.

"M/n! Let's go!" Mk says, grabbing his brother by the shoulder, despite the sparks of lightning surrounding the monkey. He looks up at Mk and silently nods. Mk tries to grab his staff, but it's stuck in more webs. He shudders before the ground gives way beneath them. Spider Queen is at the edge of the hole as the group falls. Sandy grabs them and gets them all in his boat before they hit the water.

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