The Price of Loyalty

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"You're not a monster nor the weapon you're a human!" Itachi yelled at Lily. Once again she didn't consider her life before jumping and helping others.

She never understood why Itachi acted like this. I mean she was forced in Anbu because she had power. Doesn't that make her a weapon?

Lily sits there and just rolls her eyes at his statement. "Oh you're going to listen!" Itachi grabs her chin and looks her into eyes. "You're a human. And if you don't appreciate your life you can't save others." Lily looked at him confused. No one, no one, had ever tried to convince her that she's human.

He let her go and looked at her and for the first time Lily saw that someone is worried for her life. And not because they'll lose a weapon.


Lily was on a mission for Anbu. She got reports that other jinchuriki were getting kidnapped by the Akatsuki.

When she reported this to the Konoha's elders, they argued with her aggressively:

"This is unacceptable! Now the tailed beast of Iwagakure is missing!" The village leader yelled. Lily just rolled her eyes. The old guy is too old-fashioned in her opinion. "That's it! You're not allowed to go on any mission. You're not leaving the Leaf! That's an order!"

That got Lily angry. "Who you think I am for you to order me around?!"

"You are Konoha's jinchuriki! You're the most powerful weapon we have!" Elder yelled. Lily couldn't believe her ears.

She had served this village for more than five years and they still held her the simplest weapon.

Well this weapon was done with all the hard work. She was more than a weapon! She was a ninja, a person with feelings and a life. And they were taking it from her.

Lily turned around and was about to slam the door shut but then suddenly she heard something. "Do you really want to end up like Itachi?!"

She was overwhelmed by rage. Who did they think they are?

"To be like Itachi?" Lily started to move threatening towards leaders. "You mean to tell me after all these years I served you, I give away my life, my childhood just so I could help this village. And you still think I would betray? Still think I would go rope? Unbelievable. You know I'll give Itachi one credit. At least he was strong enough to do the right thing. And the fact that you pushed him to do so is a cherry on top. But not Itachi is responsible for destroying the Uchiha clan. You are."

Lily moved away and slammed the door so hard the wall cracked from her rage.

Anger and frustration had built up so much in her. She had given so much to the village.

She had given up love, childhood, freedom. All to protect the Leaf. But what did she get in return?

To be treated as a weapon.

Lily couldn't let the village control her anymore.

She needed to get away and find a place to calm down.

It was time for her to make her own decisions.

Lily was frustrated and angry. She escaped to the stone monuments that where empty. It was raining hard.

She sat down alone, on top of the stones. Hugged her knees and started crying. The rain fell, as the drops hit her. It felt like needles.

Finally, she couldn't hold it in anymore. The pressure to control the tail beast and the burden to keep the village safe.

It was too much. Lily started crying, letting it all out.

"Why are you crying child?" She felt a hat on her head. "Sorry." She quickly wiped tears away.

It was a third hokage. He sat down next to the poor girl. "You know.. rainy days always remind me of the day we met."

The past rushes to her mind.

"I remember the day I was taken into the village by you. It feels like a ages ago, but it was a day that had changed my entire life.

I was younger, so tiny, covered in blood, clothes torn.

I was found on the battlefield, alone, surrounded by dead Shinobi. My body was cold. The only thing that shielded me from rain and cold wind was nine tailed cloak. Like beast himself would protect me.

I was so confused. I looked up at you. You were smiling.

I didn't understand anything. All I knew, or thought, I knew, was that no one would protect me again. That I was all alone.

Then you took my hand. You said something, but all I heard was words. Words I couldn't understand.

I only understood one word.


I was so confused as you took me in your arms.

You called me "Child."

I didn't understood much, but I understood that you were taking me someplace.

That's when everything changed. For the first time, I felt safe."

Lily's eyes were still red from crying as she looked at village below.

"But why you took me in? Was it only because I had a tailed beast?" She asked. She wanted to know did Hokage hold her a weapon too.

"When I first saw you, I knew I could not leave a child like you alone.

You were so small... so fragile.

And most of all, you were all alone.

This village is your home now. The Leaf is your family.

And you have nothing to be afraid of."

Lily stares at the village. She smiles in happiness for the first time in her life.

Her face becomes glumly. "Can I ask you a question old man? You always have to put your family first. Does that mean I should kill a person that I love to save the village? Or make him my family and betray does who raised me?"

He thinks for a minute and then responds.

"Family comes in many forms, even if it's not blood. If you love that person, I say they are your family.

As for the question, I will tell you one thing. There isn't any right and wrong. Just do what you think is best.

In the end, only you will be a judge of your actions."

Hokage walks off and Lily is left alone again. What she supposed to do? Betray the man she loves or betray people that love and raise her?

She takes a deep breath and decides.  Itachi left her. He chosen a village instead of her. Well.. she might as well do the same.

Lily's decision?

"I have to kill Itachi."

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