A Deal with Death

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Lily and Itachi were standing in the middle of the training ground, panting from the rigorous training they had been doing. Lily's stamina was starting to wear thin and soon she would be too exhausted to continue.

Itachi noticed Lily's exhaustion and stopped. "Little leaf. We still have to train. You're skills and abilities are still weak."

Lily took a breath and narrowed her eyes. "Oh come on, birdy, that's my limit. Besides, I'm a medical ninja. My skills are confined to healing."

Itachi glares at Lily. "Little leaf, we must continue to train."

Lily glared back, "No."

A cold war broke out between them, until Lily had an idea. "What if instead of this, I teach you healing jutsus? It's still count as training."

Itachi was taken aback by Lily's suggestion, but he couldn't deny that it was an interesting proposal.

"Very well Little leaf," he said cautiously, "let us see what you have in store."

Lily led Itachi to a small clearing off the main training grounds, where they could have some peace and privacy. She had carefully planned this out, knowing that her stamina was limited and Itachi was the one who pushed her to the breaking point.

Itachi watched as Lily prepared some medical supplies, and wondered what she was up to. He wasn't expecting her to teach him anything, and yet she kept insisting that it was necessary. What were her motives?

Lily looked at Itachi, and in spite of her exhaustion, there was a glint of determination in her eyes.

"Right. Come here, I'll teach you the basics."

Itachi approached her tentatively, still feeling a bit wary about this new form of training. But he knew Lily wouldn't steer him wrong, and he couldn't deny that he was curious to see what she had to teach him.

As Lily was preparing everything she snapped off a small branch of a nearby tree and that got Itachi curious. "What's that for?"

Lily looked at Itachi with a mischievous grin. She held it up and brandished it at Itachi, ready to use it as a makeshift weapon if Itachi didn't do well in his healing training.

Itachi's expression hardened at Lily's jest, but he also found himself amused by her playful and feisty side. This would be an interesting aspect of Lily's character to explore during the healing session, as Itachi learns more about her unique personality and capabilities.

He looks at branch confused. "You can't heal it. It's a plant. Healing Jujitsu is for humans."

Lily only smiled to Itachi's respond and held branch between her palms. "This is where you're wrong. You can heal anything as long as it alive and has chakra."

Suddenly the branch starts to grow bigger and even bloom.

Lily looked at Itachi with a small smile as she showed off her impressive healing skills, growing the branch bigger and making it bloom right before Itachi's eyes.

An impressed and intrigued Itachi looked on as Lily demonstrated her knowledge of medical ninjutsu.

He never thought it was possible to heal things other than humans, and was fascinated by Lily's ability to do so. This aspect of healing ninjutsu opens up a whole new world to Itachi.


It was still early in the morning when after four years Itachi and Lily had finally been reunited.

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