Through Raven's Eyes

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"The world is cruel and those with power dominate those without power."

-Itachi Uchiha-

Itachi was barely four when he witnessed The Third Great Ninja War waged. He witnessed first-hand many of the war's casualties.

It was a time of constant conflict and fear. People were dying, losing their homes and loved ones. Itachi was very young and could not understand why so much pain and death was happening.

He saw many Uchihas killed, and so many people from the other villages were killed too. It was a terrible time in the world, and he saw how cruel and brutal people can be.

It was a scene of utter chaos. People were running and screaming, some were injured or dying. There were bodies scattered all over the place and the streets were covered in blood. It was a horrible sight and made Itachi realize how wrong it was.

People were killing each other and causing destruction without a care in the world for anyone's well-being. It was a very traumatic experience for someone to witness this, even though Itachi grew up to be a skilled ninja, no one should have seen those views.

His mother grabbed Itachi by hand and dragged him into Uchiha's compound.

Itachi was very young and was told to stay inside the Uchiha's compound. His family and other members of the Uchiha clan were fighting to protect the village from invaders.

They did not leave the safety of the compound but could hear the sounds of battle and fighting going on outside. At night they would sometimes hear crying and screams, and Itachi knew war was going on, but he was safe in the compound with my family.

After the war ended many Shinobi and civilians were killed, and there were many casualties. It was a terrible time for the world and there was so much destruction. They were lucky to make it through the war and still be alive, but many others did not have that chance.

After the war, the world began to rebuild and people tried to move on with their lives.

Itachi's father, Fugaku Uchiha, decided to start teaching young ones so they would be prepared for fights in future.

Itachi's father was a fierce proud Uchiha and demanded only excellence in all training. Itachi's friends would play together in the yard outside the Uchiha compound, while he stayed inside the compound and trained. The moment the others began to slack, they were met with Fugaku's fury.

Fugaku trained all the uchiha in the compound, and Itachi saw how some were slow to learn the skills he was teaching them. Some were just not cut out for fighting the way Itachi was. But they were still young and innocent and shouldn't have been treated so harshly just because they lacked skill.

The looks of pain on their faces as they cried and shouted for Itachi's dad to stop. . Itachi felt horrible and full of regret for not stepping up to help them. He knew his father would never stop doing this and he was scared to speak up.

As a kid he did not defend them and watched in fear as his father punished them with his severe training. Itachi did not have the courage to speak up and ask him to treat them better. He just wanted to be a good son and make him proud..

One day he wakes up in the room and remembers his father's words from the night before. "You'll be working hard to become a great Shinobi and make your clan proud."

He feels the pressure of the legacy he was born into, and wonders if he'll be able to live up to his family's expectations.

Young Itachi closes his eyes in his room in the Uchiha compound, feeling the sun shine on his face. He got up and opened the window, seeing the leaves of the trees blowing in the breeze.

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