4 - You!

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Cliff had grown impatient. "Kiddo, you're driving like an old fart. When are you going to punch it?"

Izzy glanced in the rearview mirror. "I'm afraid I'll get a speeding ticket."

"We're on the interstate and there's barely any traffic. You wanted to drive the car. This is your chance for a high-speed rush."

She shot a glance his way before returning her attention to the highway. "One doesn't have to go fast to experience a rush. I'm enjoying myself just driving a hundred-thousand-dollar sports car. This is way cool!"

He didn't push her. Izzy was cautious while he tended to be more daring. She balanced him. With his degree in marketing and hers in finance, they would make a great team running the family business. It bothered him, the way their parents thought less of her, especially their mother.

"Kiddo, I won't allow Mom and Dad to squeeze you out. The company is growing too large for one person to handle. I need you. When can you start working with me?"

"I love you for saying that but be careful. They're right, you know. They hold all the power and can unmake you. I'll come on board only if it doesn't hurt you."

"They wouldn't dare fire me. It would be cutting their own throats. I've doubled our business during the past five years. The contracts I negotiated with the cities of York and Lancaster made us one of the largest regional companies. We own most of central Pennsylvania's business between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh."

"It would be a real coup if you could land those metro areas as well."

He grunted. "I don't see that happening. Too much political corruption in cities that large."

"Which is why you need to marry Kayla. Her father could clear a path for you."

Cliff painted a shocked expression on his face. "You too? Traitor!"

"She really does like you, you know?"

He sighed. "Yeah, Kayla is a sweet lady, but I resent being told whom I should marry. Get over in the other lane and take the next exit. I heard the sports bar in town serves good wings."

Izzy slowed and activated her turn signal. "I guess I'm lucky. They haven't pestered me yet about getting married to Aaron."

"Speaking of which, now that you're home for good, do you think he'll pop the question anytime soon?"

She shrugged. "If he does, I'll insist on a long engagement. Since I just graduated, I need a year or so of freedom to catch my breath."

Cliff understood. When he was her age, marriage wasn't even on his radar. Now? He hated to admit it, but his mother was right. His thoughts were turning toward settling down and starting a family. With whom though? Why not Kayla? She was pretty and educated and made no secret she was into him. He just didn't feel romantically inclined toward her. For one thing, she was Izzy's age, too young for him.

He guided Izzy into downtown Hershey, Pennsylvania and into the parking lot of Striker Sports Bar. " This is the place."

Izzy took a deep breath after they exited the car. "Ah, I miss the smell of chocolate in the air. Ever since they moved the factory out of town, we don't enjoy that simple pleasure anymore."

Being dinner time, the place was jammed. A hostess greeted them and told them they could wait at the bar until a table became available. Only one stool remained unoccupied. Cliff deferred to his sister. She sat, and he stood over her shoulder.

Large screen TVs lined the walls, the nearest one tuned to a soccer match. Pool tables occupied an adjacent room, all of them in use. One great thing the place had going for it. No smoking. The atmosphere was clean, bright, inviting, and didn't stink of cigarettes.

After the bartender delivered their beverages, Izzy asked, "So, when are you going to get serious about finding a special someone?"

"Are you pestering me again about asking Kayla to the social?"

"What would be the harm in that, Cliffy?"

"I don't want to lead her on and hurt her feelings."

The hostess tapped him on the shoulder. "Mr. Ortega, your table is ready."

Cliff and Izzy finished their beers and settled up with the bartender. The hostess showed them to their table in a quieter section of the restaurant. "Your server will be with you shortly."

Izzy picked up the menu. "Are you really going to have wings? That's it?"

Cliff studied the beer list. "I don't know. It depends on what else they have."

They didn't notice the server approach until she cleared her throat. "Hi, my name is Hannah. I'll be your serv..." She stopped mid-sentence when Cliff met her gaze. She gasped. "You!"

"You!" Cliff exclaimed. He couldn't believe it.

Strange things happen in real life

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Strange things happen in real life. Would you consider this second encounter between Cliff and Hannah a coincidence or fate?

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