51 - The Summer Social

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After her interview with Detective Shultz, Hannah had trouble focusing on her work. She paced between valet parking, the kitchen, and the maintenance shop double checking everything to make sure all was perfect.

Back in the event center, Mr. Cento caught up with her. "Hannah, I can't help but notice you're wandering around aimlessly. You need to relax, or you'll be worn out before the first guest arrives."

She didn't think she had been aimless. "I need to be sure I thought of anything that might go wrong."

"Come with me." He led her out of the center and into the bar. Pointing to a barstool, he said, "Sit."

Hannah did so and wondered if he was going to chew her out. What had she done?

The bartender was not yet on duty. Mr. Cento stepped behind the bar and poured a double shot of whisky into a tumbler over ice. He slid the glass toward Hannah. "Drink it."

She looked at him in surprise. "I'm working. I'm on duty."

"One drink isn't going to impair you, but it might calm your nerves. I'm worried you're going to fall to pieces on me."

"Do I really look that harried?"


"I'll be okay," Hannah reassured him. Despite her anxiety, she knew she could still function.

"What did that detective want?" he asked.

Hannah took a drink. It burned all the way down and made her cough.

She told Mr. Cento how the detective was trying to find James and arrest him not only for his assault on her, but also for embezzlement. She left out how the detective considered her a person of interest. When she finished, she said, "You're probably sorry about hiring a manager who brings such baggage to the club."

Cento poured himself a shot and downed it. He wiped his lips with a cocktail napkin. "I admit I'm not happy about it, but all of us have personal problems. What I want to know is, will this thing with your ex distract you from doing your job?"

Of course, it would distract her. Hannah took another sip from her drink. This time it didn't burn as much and warmed her inside. "It's not going to distract me, but the anxiety of it all is going to lurk at the back of my mind. Believe me, my biggest distractions are worries about this event and the things that might go wrong."

Her boss came out from behind the bar and stood beside her. "I've been doing this for a long time, so listen up. You need to trust your team and avoid trying to micromanage. The people who work here are solid and experienced. Instead of fretting about what could go wrong, enjoy yourself. This is a happy occasion."

He stopped talking to check his phone. "This is a text from the valet stand. Our first guests are arriving."

So it begins, Hannah thought.

"Come on," Mr. Cento said. "Let's go and greet them."

She and her boss along with two of the directors, Judge Cox and Mr. Renfro stood in the reception line. Hannah checked the time, ten minutes until seven. Cocktail hour would begin at seven and dinner would be served at eight. She wondered if they'd have to stand there the entire time as the guests arrived.

Mr. Cento noticed her checking the time. "Feel free to come and go as needed. Just try to be here as much as you can. I'm sure our guests are interested in meeting you."

She never told her boss about Cliff and how she had dated him. She didn't want to be present when he showed up with his date. Hannah decided she would remain in the reception line until catching sight of them. Then she would excuse herself until they passed through. Under the circumstances, facing the two of them together would be too much to deal with.

Except it didn't happen that way. Hannah recognized Kayla from her membership photo and social media posts. She was accompanied by a well-dressed man and woman she assumed were Kayla's parents along with an entourage of serious looking men in suits.

Where was Cliff? Why wasn't he escorting Kayla? Had there been a change of plan? Was it possible he backed out after Izzy told him she would be there?

The man she figured to be Kayla's father shook hands with Judge Cox. He spoke in a booming voice. "Simon, you old coot. Why do we only see each other once a year at this shindig? I miss how we used to party at Yale."

"Good to see you again, senator. You're rarely around and spend all your time in Washington. I understand you'll soon be making an announcement."

The senator winked at him. "I'm sure I'll be able to count on you for a campaign contribution."

"Of course, and I'm sure you'll consider me for a court appointment if you win."

"When I win, Simon, not if  I win."

The senator moved on down the reception line. His wife followed. Then Kayla. When the man stood across from her, he grinned. "Well, well, who do we have here? You're new."

Hannah introduced herself and shook his hand.

"You certainly brighten up this old club." He introduced his wife, then his daughter.

While she shook hands with Kayla, Hannah scrutinized her. The girl was even prettier than her picture, but not quite as tall as she was. Her smile displayed a perfect row of bright, white teeth. Kayla's black cocktail dress was a near match to hers but looked more expensive.

After releasing hands, Kayla said, "It appears we have a friend in common."

Was Kayla aware she had dated Cliff? Hannah didn't know how to respond. What could she say?

"Izzy," Kayla said.

It took Hannah a beat to process. "Oh, Izzy, yes."

"Nice meeting you," the girl said, and she moved on down the line to have her photo taken.

The serious looking suits that Hannah now realized were a personal protection detail didn't go through the reception line but followed along as the family cleared through the photographer and into the event center.

Soon afterwards, Izzy and Aaron arrived.

"You look nice in that dress," Aaron commented.

"Thank you." She noticed Izzy's dress was also black. Weird how they all wore that color. Was it the color of the year?

Instead of shaking hands, Izzy gave her a long hug and asked, "How are you holding up?"

The hug soothed Hannah and relaxed her better than the drink of whisky. "To be honest, I'm anxious, but I'm glad you're here." She wondered about Cliff and Kayla's situation. "Can we talk later?"

"Count on it," Izzy said, "and don't be anxious. You're going to do great."

A few minutes later, Hannah noticed Cliff's parents approaching. Taking it as her cue to bow out, she turned to Mr. Cento and excused herself.

Scanning the long line of approaching guests, she looked for Cliff.

Where was he?

Good question

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Good question. Where is Cliff?

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