52 - Kayla and Cliff (Part 1)

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Cliff handed his Corvette key fob to the valet at eight. He had missed cocktail hour which was fine by him. Knowing he would probably see Hannah while at the same time entertaining Kayla made him uncomfortable. He hoped he would have an opportunity to speak privately with Hannah.

The reception line had already dispersed, and the guests were taking their seats for dinner.

A woman dressed in a black business suit approached him. "Mr. Ortega?"


"Please follow me. I'll take you to Ms. Aguillar."

It amazed him how easily the senator's protection detail recognized him. She led him through the dining room where he saw his parents sitting with Aaron's parents and engaged in a lively discussion. He and Izzy waved to each other. He walked past the senator's table to a door leading to the patio.

The woman held the door for him as he went through.

Outside was quieter and more private with less tables. A chill filled the air since the sun had disappeared below the horizon. Propane heaters stationed near each table provided warmth. The servers were in the process of setting out cucumber salads.

"Hello, Cliff," Kayla said as he approached. She wore a big smile.

"You look pretty tonight," he responded, and she really did. He took a seat across from her at their table for two.

"Does that mean I don't look pretty at other times?"

He scoffed. "You've been hanging around Izzy too much. That's something she would ask to bust my chops."

"I've been looking forward to this," she said.

"Me too." Probably not for the same reason though.

The server set the cucumber salads in front of them. Kayla picked up her chopsticks and smiled. "I really had to put up a fuss to get permission for us to sit out here away from the family. Daddy's gorillas didn't like us being separated."

Cliff started in on his salad, using a fork instead of chopsticks

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Cliff started in on his salad, using a fork instead of chopsticks. "Isn't that a little harsh, calling the protection detail gorillas?"

She sighed. "Yeah, I shouldn't have said that. They're just doing their job, but it's creepy. Madison, that's the lady who shadows me, is nice and she's discreet, but I hate it when we're in public and she has to clear the bathroom first before I enter."

He wouldn't like that either.

Kayla continued, "If Daddy runs for president, it'll become worse. Then the secret service will completely take over. If he wins, my private life will be non-existent. Did you know presidents get secret service protection for life, even after they leave office?"

He did, but, "Would that also include you? What happens if you get married and move far away."

She laughed. "Married? Who would want to marry me? The men I'm interested in don't want to go through all the hoops of dating me. What guy wants to be hassled by paparazzi following us around everywhere. People Magazine wrote a speculative article tagging me as an American princess. Should Daddy win, I'd be considered the closest thing to royalty in this country."

She took a breath. "Cliff, I don't want any of that. I'm shy and introverted and just want to lead a normal life. I'm going to tell you something, but if you repeat it, I'll deny I said it. I hope Daddy doesn't run. If he does, I hope he loses."

"If it makes you feel better, I won't vote for him. If you repeat that, I'll deny I said it."

His words made her giggle.

Cliff ate more of his salad. He put down his fork. "I wish I could've picked you up at home and brought you here. At least, then you could feel like this was a bona fide date."

"That was Daddy's decision, not the protection detail. He calls it optics. I call it bullshit political theater. Wherever we go, he wants the family to appear as a united front in public and smiling, always smiling." She rolled her eyes.

The more he listened to Kayla's side of things, the more empathy he had for her. She was facing years of misery. "Have you discussed your feelings with your parents?"

"They try making me feel guilty by saying every young woman in the country would give anything to be in my position. They say I should be thankful for the privilege."

Cliff was losing his appetite. Why did parents put their own selfish interests ahead of their childrens' happiness, especially, it seemed, when it came to daughters.

"Have you considered getting a job somewhere out of the area and moving away from home?"

"I can't run away from who I am. There are a lot of sick people in this world who might try to get to Daddy through me. You know what I mean?"

He did.

"I would've liked it too if you were able to pick me up at home. Of course, your Corvette wouldn't have been such a surprise since Izzy has been driving me around in it. It's generous of you to allow her to use your car."

"I have trouble saying no to her."

"Yep, and she knows it. Would you have trouble saying no to me?"

With a bite of food halfway to his mouth, Cliff stopped and set it down. "That depends on what you're asking?"

"An invitation."

His insides began to squirm. "An invitation to do what, exactly?"

She leaned in closer to him. "When this meal is over and the band starts playing, will you dance with me?"

"I don't know how to dance anything fancy."

"Neither do I. I'm inviting you to slow dance with me."

"I can slow dance. Sure, I'd be honored to dance with you."

"Great." She continued picking at her salad. "That'll do for starters."

For starters? What did Kayla mean by that?

What is your first impression of Kayla? Should Hannah be worried?

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What is your first impression of Kayla? Should Hannah be worried?

Kayla Photo Credit: Pexels/jhoondias

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