27 - Izzy's News

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Monday morning, the day after his Hershey Park date with Hannah, Cliff sat at his home office desk reviewing vehicle maintenance schedules. He was concerned, because his sister hadn't returned home the previous night and hadn't answered his text messages.

"Where the hell are you?" He mumbled.

As if in answer, she knocked softly on his door and stuck in her head. "I'm back."

He motioned for her to step in. "Close the door."

When she did so, he spoke softly, "Could you be any more obvious? Look at yourself, same sweaty clothes you wore to the park yesterday, your hair a mess, if Mom and Dad saw you, they'd know right away you slept over at Aaron's place."

She shook a finger at him. "I own my actions. I'm an adult and refuse to be cowed into a walk of shame. Besides, they never got upset when you stayed overnight with one of your dates. Are you promoting a double standard because I'm female?"

"You know me better than that. I'm just reminding you how they might see things differently because of your gender."

"There's nothing they can do about it."

"Aren't you the one warning me how they still hold all the power."

She scoffed. "No way would they cut me off. Not now."

"What makes you so sure?"

"It's penance, because of what Mom did to me."

"Izzy, it was a long time ago."

"I'll bear the emotional scars of that day for the rest of my life."

"Mom doesn't realize the impact her words had on you."

"She should have!" she exclaimed, heat in her tone. "You did. I'm sure she figured it out, but she has too much pride to apologize. Paying for my education was Mom and Dad's penance along with giving me a position with the company."

"Mom and Dad would have done that for you anyway. You are their daughter."

Izzy wiped away tears.

He had no idea she still carried so much pain from the incident. "Hey, don't cry."

She pulled herself together and wore a sad smile. "You're right. It's been a while since I dredged up that memory. I just needed a moment. On a happier note, Aaron and I discussed our future."

"You must have liked what he told you."

She held out her hand displaying a ring adorned with a decent sized diamond. "He wants to marry me."

"That's fantastic, Izzy. I'm happy for you." Cliff had warned Aaron not to push, but apparently, he misjudged his sister. "Did you set a date?"

"Nope. He agreed when I told him it had to be a long engagement, at least two years. We negotiated. In return, he wants me to move in with him after we announce."

"Funny you should say that. I was just thinking how I'm going to miss not having you around across the hall." He stopped talking after her words sank in. "What do you mean after you announce?"

"Nobody knows except you. The big reveal will take place at the summer social. I won't wear the ring until then. Can you keep it secret?"

"I will if you answer me one question."

She cocked her head. "What question?"

"Izzy, do you love him?"

She chewed her lower lip and nodded.

"Then I'm happy for you. Of course, I'll keep your secret."

"Thanks, Cliffy. Changing the subject, how'd it go with Hannah banana?"

"I'm taking her to the social."

She applauded. "Yay! When is your next date with her?"

"Breakfast, tomorrow."

She sucked in a breath. "Ooh, things are moving fast now, and I approve. I really like her. Who knows, you might get hitched before I do."

Things weren't moving fast enough. He couldn't wait to see her again. She was all he could think about. "I'm glad to have your approval."

She giggled, then got serious. "Wow, I almost forgot my other bit of news. Remember how you asked me to investigate the possibility of buying that Harrisburg warehouse? Well, I found an NGO that secures corporate financing for projects targeting underserved communities. It might be a fit for what you want to do."

"Kiddo, that's great. Can you pursue it further?"

"I already put out some feelers."

What she said excited him, but realistically they shouldn't get their hopes up. "That's wonderful news. Both your engagement and your research results."

She giggled. "You know how effective I am about getting what I want. Speaking of which." She held out her hand.


"Your Corvette key fob. Weekend is over. It's my turn."

"Not this time, kiddo. Remember I told you about my breakfast date tomorrow. I'm picking up Hannah at her house and meeting her parents. I want to drive my car for that."

"All right! Meeting the parents is taking things to the next level." She stuck out her hand again. "But that's tomorrow. I can still use your car today."

Cliff sighed. "Izzy, you're killing me."

"And you love pampering me."

It was no secret. He had so much affection for his little sister, he'd do anything to keep her happy, and he knew she felt the same way about him. He dug in his trouser pocket and pulled out the key fob, dropped it in her outstretched palm.

Izzy bent over and squeezed him in an embrace. "Oh, Cliffy, you're the best."

"Argh, Ew, after a sleepover and wearing the same clothes, you really need to take a shower. Go on and get out of here."

Izzy's engagement news was almost ruined by her mention of some sort of childhood trauma involving her mother

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Izzy's engagement news was almost ruined by her mention of some sort of childhood trauma involving her mother. I wonder what happened? Maybe she'll let us know in a future chapter.😊.

Photo Credit: Pexels/Miguel A. Padrinan

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