66 - Cliff's Declaration

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Cliff walked Hannah into his wing of the house and found Izzy exiting her bedroom. She was all dolled up and carried an overnight bag.

"Hannah!" she exclaimed and looked between them. "Geez, the two of you look a little flushed."

"Mind your own business," Cliff grumbled.

"Whoa, Cliffy, I think you need to feed your lady some of that watermelon in the fridge. She needs to recharge."

Had his sister been looking out the window and spying on them? "Hey, kiddo, isn't there someplace you need to be?"

"Yep, on my way to spend the rainy day with Aaron. With nothing else to do, we're going to Netflix and chill." She held up her overnight bag. "As you can see, don't expect me home tonight, you know, because of the storm."

"We don't need to know all the details, sis."

Izzy shrugged. "Hey, Hannah, that bathing suit is a good look for you. Can I trade you my legs for yours?"

"Izzy, don't let us hold you up."

"Oh, one more thing. Did you know if you spell Hannah's name backwards it's still Hannah?"

Cliff pointed at the door. "Out!"

"Okay, okay, I get it when I'm not wanted." She sashayed to the door and stopped. "Can I take the Corvette?"


She giggled and walked out. "Adios, amigos."

Hannah wore a thoughtful expression. "You should have asked her to stay. She could've entertained us all afternoon."

"My sister is quite the motor mouth."

"She's vivacious, that's for sure."

"She's worse when she's been drinking."

"Yeah, I was at the receiving end at the social when we met up at the bar."

"You and my sister had a chat? She didn't tell me."

"Wasn't much of a conversation. Izzy did all the talking."

"What did she have to say?"

Hannah shrugged. "It was just girl talk."

Cliff sensed he wouldn't get anything more out of her on the subject. "I'm going to change into swim trunks. How about I meet you at the pool?"

She started away. "I think I can find it."

Cliff retreated to his bedroom and drew in a deep breath. "Wow!" When they had finally kissed for the first time in the car, it felt as if an electrical charge surged throughout his entire body. He had been with his share of women. None affected him the way Hannah did. Was it the pent-up anticipation of wanting to kiss her after having spent so much time with her? Was it because she had been such a challenge he had finally conquered? Was it something deeper, the feeling that he couldn't get enough of her, that he wanted more of her, all of her, and needed her?

He now accepted what he hesitated to acknowledge before. He was in love with her. This is what love felt like. He had been in lust many times, but he had never been in love. The feeling was both exhilarating and frightening.

Did Hannah feel the same way? She had responded to his kiss, liked it, but did she feel as electrified as he did? She had talked about kids.

He pulled on knee length swim trunks and hurried to join her at poolside. When he pushed through the French doors to the outside, he found her sitting on the pool deck.

She stared at him, for the first time seeing him shirtless, no doubt admiring his abs. She said nothing, but she did smile.

"Are you going to take off your hoodie and join me in the pool?" Cliff asked.

She sighed. "The temperature feels like it dropped ten degrees since we got here, and the wind is picking up. I get cold easily, so will you be upset if I don't want to get in the water?"

Yes, he would be disappointed. "I won't be upset if when we go back inside you model that bathing suit for me."

She reached out a hand. "Help me up."

He did so and followed her back inside. As soon as Cliff closed the door behind them, she removed her hoodie.

He gasped, seeing her in her form fitting suit. "You're beautiful."

She said nothing.

"Black seems to be your color. Black cocktail dress and black bathing suit." While he spoke, he stepped closer. Holding the side of her face in his hand he pressed his lips to hers.

When she moaned, he walked her backwards until her back was against the wall. He pressed his body tight against hers and kissed her harder. His hand trailed from her face to her throat to the bare skin above the V of her bathing suit.

She pulled away, breathing hard and placed a hand against his chest. "Slow down. We have all afternoon."

He nibbled her ear. "And all night if I'm lucky enough."

She said nothing which encouraged him.

"Hannah, you don't ever have to leave."

Now both hands pressed against his chest. He backed away. "What is it?"

"I've been there and done that. I've lived with a man who promised to commit and never did. I'll not do it again."

"I think we've established that I'm not him."

"And I'm not the same gullible girl I was with him."

"Hannah, in the car you floated the idea of kids. That must mean you've been giving us some thought."

"I don't deny that. Have you been giving us some thought?"

"Ever since that day at the dealership when you called me an asshole, you are all I think about. It gutted me when you stopped seeing me. I died inside. I don't ever want to feel that way again. I don't ever want to be without you again. I want you. I want all of you."

She cocked her head and stared into his eyes. "That's quite a declaration. Are you sure you want all of me? You'll take me the way I am?"

"I love you the way you are. Yes, I want you."

"I've learned my lesson. I'm not giving myself to a man ever again unless he's first willing to commit. So, let me repeat the question. Are you sure you want me?"

Was she trying to tell him what he thought she was trying to tell him? "Are you asking me for a ring?"

Was she trying to tell him what he thought she was trying to tell him? "Are you asking me for a ring?"

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Can you blame Hannah for being so frank at this point in her life?

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