22 - Hannah, Cliff, Izzy, and Aaron

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While Hannah allowed Cliff to lead her by the hand toward the food court, she recalled James' words. He said he would fight for her. He didn't mean that literally, did he? She thought at the time he was just being dramatic. During the years they were together, James never displayed a violent side. He was smart, practical, and usually avoided any kind of social confrontation. On the other hand, he was tenacious, not letting anything stand in the way of his goals. He proved that by using all his free time to study for his CPA exam which he passed on his first attempt. All those qualities she had at one time found attractive.

Hannah was sure it was him she saw. They had made eye contact. He was alone, so what was he doing? Was he stalking her? Why? He was the one who had dumped her.

At the bar, he made it clear he wanted her back. What changed his mind? Was he jealous she had moved on with her life and was now with another man? After three months apart and lacking their familiar intimacy, was he simply horny and attempting to manipulate her into some kind of booty call for old time's sake?

Well, that was not going to happen.

She had loved him, but he had made his choice. When James broke up with her after so many years together, it left her feeling used and humiliated, especially when he blamed her financial situation as an excuse. His betrayal couldn't be undone. It severed any chance she could trust him again.

The hurt in her heart still lingered after three months, but that feeling was now being replaced by a different emotion, something uglier.


What did James really want from her? What would make him go away?

In her present emotional state, she wasn't being fair to Cliff. She wanted to focus on having a good time with him, but maybe she should ask him to take her home. Then she reconsidered and steeled her resolve. She would not allow that bastard James the satisfaction of ruining her date or interfering with her life.

They entered the food court and found Izzy sitting at a table with her boyfriend practically on his lap. She had one leg draped between his and her arms around his neck. The two of them were definitely into each other.

Izzy's gaze went to her and Cliff's clasped hands. She giggled. "I see you two are making progress."

Her remark caused Cliff to let go of her hand. He puffed out his chest. "By your posture, kiddo, it appears the two of you are making a bit too much progress, especially at a family amusement park."

Cliff's sister scoffed, but she slid off her boyfriend's lap.

Cliff introduced the boyfriend as Aaron and they all sat. Aaron looked Izzy's age. He was clean shaven, lean and lanky. Wanting to be social, Hannah decided to take the lead. She asked, "How long have the two of you been dating?"

Izzy spoke up. "We've known each other since seventh grade and dated off and on during high school. Aaron graduated a year ahead of me and then we went to different unis and lost touch until the summer between my freshman and sophomore years when we met again at the club's annual summer social."

Cliff cleared his throat and made eye contact. "Yeah, Hannah, about the summer social—"

He was interrupted by Aaron who said, "Izzy and I have been exclusive ever since." He paused, gazed at his girlfriend, and added, "More or less."

Hannah picked up on some tension in his words, and she thought it rude how he had interrupted Cliff. "More or less?"

Aaron took a breath. "It wouldn't have been fair for Izzy to miss out on events happening at her uni, so we had an agreement that it was okay for her to go out with male friends."

That explained the tension. Aaron had trust issues. She looked at Izzy. "Did you allow Aaron the same latitude?"

"Sure, but he—"

"—I don't make time for anyone else. Actually, I don't have much time since I'm still in law school."

It was the second time Aaron had talked over someone. Hannah was starting to dislike him. She continued being polite. "What made you decide to become a lawyer?"

"It's the family business. Both my mother and father are successful attorneys."

She wondered if Aaron really held a passion for becoming an attorney or if he was just living up to his parents' expectations. Izzy obviously cared for this man, but from what she could sense, they were opposites. Cliff's sister was a free spirit whereas Aaron possessed an insecure nature. Then again, she and Cliff were opposites too. He was successful and wealthy. She was. What was she? Right now, nothing.

Hannah glanced at Cliff, wondering why he was being so quiet. She also became aware of needing to find a bathroom. Not knowing where the nearest facilities were located and worried about possibly being ambushed by James, she didn't want to leave the group. She needed some pretense to get Izzy to come with her.

Clearing her throat, she got the other girl's attention. "Um, Izzy, do you know where to find the nearest ladies' room?" Hannah hoped Cliff's sister would understand she was asking for an escort.

Izzy picked up on it right away. She stood. "I'm not sure where it is, but we'll look for it together."

Before walking away, Izzy giggled and addressed her brother. "See if you can find us some watermelon."

Should Hannah tell Cliff how uncomfortable she is really feeling after seeing James?

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Should Hannah tell Cliff how uncomfortable she is really feeling after seeing James?

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