60 - Resisting

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Hannah wished she was wearing something heavier than the skimpy black cocktail dress. She had no pockets. She carried no purse. She didn't have her phone.

James parked the car at an airport hangar maybe a half-mile from the main terminal. There was nobody around for her to ask for help. There was nowhere to run. Before she could consider her next move, James opened her car door and pulled her to her feet. He gripped her wrist and led her to a side door in the long, steel structure.

He tried the door. Locked. "We're a half hour early. Crawley is meeting us here at midnight."

She shivered, unsure if from the chill breeze or from fear. "James, I'm cold and your grip on my wrist is hurting me."

They sat on a smoker's bench near the door. James released her wrist and wrapped an arm around her waist. When they were a couple, Hannah invited his touch. Now, being pulled into his side revolted her, but she tolerated it because she needed his warmth.

James regarded her. "Once we get to the islands, I'll buy you a whole new wardrobe. Tomorrow, we'll be snug as two bugs in a rug in our little bungalow."

In his dreams. Hannah decided she would make her stand when they tried forcing her onto the airplane. She was glad for this downtime to mentally prepare herself. Hannah also knew when she fought, she would likely get hurt. James wasn't about to let her go. Once he'd been mild-tempered. Hannah was convinced he'd get physical if she resisted.

So be it. She'd take her lumps, but she'd dish some out as well.

Sometime later, she saw two headlights piercing the darkness and heading their way. A vehicle pulled to a stop beside Cliff's Corvette. In the darkness, she could only see a silhouette as the driver got out of his vehicle. He said nothing until he stood in front of them, a short squat man, his hair balding on top.

The man pulled a cigarette pack from his shirt pocket and lit one up. He exhaled a cloud of smoke. "The tanks are topped off and the weather report is favorable. I should have no problem getting you folks to your destination by dawn."

James pulled Hannah to her feet. "This is Hannah, the love of my life."

The man eyed her. "My name is Crawley. I can see you're trembling from the cold. C'mon, let's get inside where it's warm."

It heartened Hannah how Crawley reacted to her discomfort. Was it possible he was a caring man and not aware of James' twisted plan?

Crawley flipped a series of breakers that illuminated the inside of the hangar. Three aircraft were parked side by side. He walked toward the one in the middle.

James grabbed her wrist and spoke in a low tone. "Don't give me any trouble."

What he said told her what she needed to know. "Crawley isn't in on it, is he? He doesn't know I'm being forced."

"I'm paying him plenty to keep his mouth shut."

She tried stalling. "I have to use the bathroom."

"Good idea. We're going to be in the air a few hours."

He marched her to a lounge located in a recess of the hangar and to an adjacent bathroom. He walked inside with her.

Hannah scoffed. "A little privacy, please?"

"Why? It's not like I haven't seen all of you before."

She felt a flash of anger. "There's no window to the outside I can crawl out of. Get out."

He glared at her, but then he left.

Hannah quickly took care of business. Then she looked all around for anything she could use as a weapon. Frustrated over finding nothing useful, she punched the paper towel dispenser.

"Ow!" She shook her hand.

James poked his head through the door. "Hey, what's going on?"

She said nothing and exited. When they approached the aircraft, Hannah decided to find out how decent a man Crawley was. "Did you know James was fired by his accounting firm for embezzlement? I hope he paid you in advance."

"Hannah," James spoke in a warning tone.

Crawley stopped inspecting the plane and regarded her. "James handled my books. He didn't embezzle from me. I have payment from him in full."

She pressed on. "Did you know there's a warrant for his arrest? By flying us out of the country, you're aiding and abetting a fugitive."

The pilot looked at James. "Is that true?"

James smirked. "'fraid so."

Now that she had built momentum, Hannah spoke her most damning charge. "Are you aware James has kidnapped me and is forcing me against my will to go with him?"

"Shut up," James shouted.

Crawley crossed his arms in front of his chest and glared at James. "That's something I didn't know. You told me this was a getaway for you and your girlfriend. I'll not be a party to kidnapping and possible human trafficking."

Hannah sighed with relief. The man was taking her side.

Crawley poked a finger against James's chest. "Not unless you pay me a whole lot more to make this trip."

Tears welled in her eyes as the two men negotiated the price increase. When they finalized the deal, the pilot pointed at the door of the aircraft. "Let's go."

Hannah ran the back of her hand across her eyes. "I'm not going anywhere."

James tugged her forearm. She kicked him in the shin and raked his face. He let go and gasped. "Quit resisting. You have no choice."

She turned to run for the hangar door.

James was too quick. He grabbed her from behind wrapping both arms around her midsection and lifted her from the ground. She screamed and kept kicking at him causing James to drop her.

Crawley stepped forward and addressed James. "I see I'm going to have to do what you're unwilling to do." He unleashed a vicious slap to her face.

Hannah's vision filled with stars. She collapsed to the floor.

Crawley grabbed her arm and hauled her toward the aircraft. Stunned, Hannah wasn't able to resist.

"What the hell did you do that for?" James shouted. "Not her face!"

The pilot dragged her up the stairs and onto the plane. "Relax, I didn't use my fist. She won't have any broken teeth. Just a bruise to the side of her face and maybe a swollen eye for a few days. We would've been here all night with your pussyfooting around. I had to make her compliant so we can get going."

The two men buckled her into her seat. James sat beside her. Crawley took his place in the cockpit.

Hannah shook her head to clear cobwebs and despaired. Nobody would know what happened to her. Nobody would be able to rescue her. Her life as she knew it was over.

Cliff had better hurry if he has any chance to rescue Hannah

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Cliff had better hurry if he has any chance to rescue Hannah.

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