18 - Hannah's Ex

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While driving to work, Hannah considered how her life might slowly be turning a corner. It had been a long time since optimism buoyed her. Her car was legal again with a new inspection sticker and sporting all new tires and brakes. She was proud for asserting herself with Hank, the service writer. She hadn't expected the owner of the business to find out and intercede but guessed she had shamed him into doing the right thing.

It empowered her, knowing she could solve her own problems.

Her fledgling relationship with Cliff also fueled her optimism. Given their rocky first encounter, she never would have figured the two of them would click. He didn't react negatively after she told him not to expect anything physical for the time being. That had been a litmus test, the deciding factor in whether to go out with him again. She sensed Cliff was genuinely interested in her as a person and not just in her body.

Maybe he was for real. She hoped so, and her instinct told her so, but could she trust her instinct? She and James had been exclusive for so many years, her dating experience was lacking. In the three months since they broke up, she hadn't put herself out there. Was she really ready to entertain the possibility of a new romantic relationship so soon and with the first guy she found herself attracted to? If she didn't at least give Cliff a chance, would she end up regretting it later? The only way to find out was to go with the flow and see what developed. For now, though, she felt good about him, maybe even happy.

She imagined what his hard body would feel like pressed against hers. Drawing that line about not getting physical may have been a mistake, but she figured Cliff wouldn't care if she changed her mind. Would it be wise if she did? Would she end up falling into the same trap as she did with James?

Dwelling on the matter, she realized, was unproductive because she needed to get her head back in the game of hunting for a job.

The phone call she had received earlier in the day was a welcome surprise. After losing her job, Hannah submitted her resume to a major online retailer. At the time, they told her there were no openings, but now they wanted to interview her for a management position in their IT division. If she got the job, she would have to relocate to their corporate headquarters near Philadelphia. She didn't see that as an issue because Philly was only a hundred miles from Hershey. Close enough to keep tabs on her parents. Close enough to keep any potential relationship alive with Cliff, if things worked out between them.

She was getting way ahead of herself. It was only an interview and not a job offer, and it was too soon to consider anything happening with Cliff.

Then again, a girl could dream.

The only dark cloud remaining had to do with her father. The clock was ticking, and she worried what would happen when his plant closed. Since he worked during the day, it was difficult for him to go job hunting.

Her time to entertain such thoughts ended when she pulled into The Striker parking lot and parked. She sighed after considering another long night serving tables. She hated the job but was grateful to have it as a stopgap.

Hannah walked through the employee entrance door and tied on her server apron. The clock showed she was fifteen minutes early, so she headed for the staff break room. On the way, she was interrupted by Dottie, one of the day servers who was getting ready to leave.

"Hiya, Hannah, there's a guy sitting at the bar who's been asking for you."

Could it be Cliff? She was surprised how enthused she felt at the prospect. "Thanks, Dottie, enjoy the rest of your day."

Dottie waved as she hurried to the exit.

Hannah checked herself in the bathroom mirror before entering the lounge. When she saw who it was, she stopped dead.

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