32 - Hannah Snaps Back

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Cliff exploded in anger at his mother's rudeness. With hands fisted as his side, he demanded an apology from her. He would never forgive his mother if her words wrecked his relationship with Hannah. Even his father seemed taken aback. Red-faced, he glared at his wife.

"You know nothing about Hannah," Cliff said, his voice raised. "She's intelligent, passionate, and challenges me in ways that make me a better person. Unlike you, Hannah's parents have been gracious to me. I'm incredibly fortunate to have made her acquaintance and lucky she continues to want to see me. I want to get to know more about her, I want to get to know everything about her. As far as I'm concerned, there is no end to our relationship, so don't bother trying to drive a wedge between us."

Hannah got everyone's attention when she shouted, "Stop."

They all went quiet and looked at her. Cliff could scarcely breathe, so fearful was he she would walk out and never want to see him again.

Instead, she sidled up to him and wrapped an arm around his waist. She met his mother's gaze. "Since your son hasn't yet introduced me, I'll do the honors myself. My name is Hannah Blessing. You should remember that; write it down if you're at the age where your recall has become foggy. Speaking of my being the flavor of the month, someday Cliff might find out what I taste like. If you're nosy about it, you can ask him."

Before anyone could recover from her suggestive statement, Hannah continued, "You know, Mrs. Ortega, your comment calls to my mind how a fine young wine, young like me, tastes sweet. But even the finest wine when it ages, like yourself, turns vinegary and bitter."

She looked into Cliff's eyes. "What's that word you mentioned on the drive over, ah, yes, the wine becomes acerbic."

When she stopped talking, Cliff's father mumbled, "Touché."

His mother acted unfazed, but Cliff knew better. Hannah's words had landed like a heavy blow.

It took the older woman a few seconds to recover. She eyeballed Hannah. "My dear, I can understand how you might think my words cruel, but I meant them as a kindness. My son has a very short attention span when it comes to women. You should be aware of that before becoming too heavily involved with him."

His mother never cared a wit about the women he dated. Her agenda was so obviously transparent. "Hannah, this is all about my mother wanting me to date a woman of her choosing. Someone whose father has political clout and can help the family business. That's why she's trying to scare you off."

Maintaining her poise, Cliff's mother left the kitchen while saying, "Don't say I didn't warn you, young lady."

Cliff's father remained, looking between the two of them.

"Whose side are you on, Father?" Cliff asked.

The man shrugged. "You are your own man. You're going to do what you're going to do." Fixing his gaze on Hannah, he said, "I harbor no ill will toward you, in fact, it's been a pleasure meeting you." He said nothing more and left the kitchen.

Cliff calmed his temper and studied Hannah's expression. She seemed to be taking his mother's attack in stride. He said, "Never in my life have I ever witnessed anyone drive my mother from a room. The way you handled her was extraordinary."

She squeezed his forearm. "Thank you for defending me."

He took her hand. "I will always defend you."

Hannah leaned against him. "I knew your mother was baiting me. Maybe I should've just allowed her to have her say and let it go. I mean, that was your mother and I disrespected her. Out of courtesy to you, I should've kept my mouth shut." She looked him in the eye. "Do you regret bringing me here?"

Cliff couldn't help himself. He laughed. "Regret? My only regret is Izzy wasn't around to witness that exchange. She would be singing your praises to the heavens."

Hannah stood in place, contemplating what he said. "It's not normal, the way the two of you feel about your mother. Will you tell me someday what happened and why you and Izzy feel the way you do?"

Would he? Cliff wondered. He supposed when their relationship progressed to a certain point, he wouldn't keep secrets from her. Until now, he always deferred to Izzy since the ugly truth was hers to tell.

She fixed her gaze down the hall in the direction where his parents had disappeared. "Do you think maybe we should get out of here?"

Cliff also glanced that way. "Yeah, that would be for the best."

They drove away. When they got to the end of the lane, Cliff said, "I'll let you choose. Right or left?"

"Left will take us in the direction of town, so turn right."

He did so. "Here we go. Let's see where the road takes us." Although the trip was supposed to be spontaneous, Cliff had a destination in mind, a state park located an hour away from Hershey. The drive would take them along a sparsely traveled route through a forest and into the mountains.

Hannah explored the center console and door pockets.

"What are you looking for?"

"Checking to see if your sister left any surprises like the last time."

Hannah was getting to know Izzy well. "The only thing that would surprise me is if she left me with a full tank of gas."

She settled back in the seat and folded her hands in her lap. "I keep thinking about that scene with your mother."

"Look, her implication about me having a different woman every month is a wild exaggeration. Don't let her into your head."

"Yeah, I get that. I'm thinking about something you said. You told your mother that I make you a better person. Did you really mean that?"

Cliff replayed the scene in his mind. "I believe I said you challenge me in ways that make me a better person. Yeah, it's true."

Hannah didn't seem to know what to do with her hands. She kept folding and unfolding them. "When you defended me with those words, well, I can't think of a nicer compliment. Thank you."

"I meant every word. It came from my heart."

She turned her attention to the scenery whizzing by her side window. "You said there's someone else your mother wants to match you up with."

Cliff wished she would stop fixating on the incident.

Hannah returned her attention to him. "Who, Cliff? Who is this other woman?"

Although Hannah handled herself well, Cliff still has some explaining to do!

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Although Hannah handled herself well, Cliff still has some explaining to do!

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