7 - Izzy's Advice

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Cliff spent the day working with one of his company's crews. Negotiating contracts and running the business was his forte, but he also enjoyed manual labor and getting sweaty on hot days. The workout helped him maintain his physique, and the guys in the trenches appreciated it when he chipped in to help and listened to their concerns. It was a morale boost for workers to see him get sweaty alongside them, and it allowed Cliff to experience the business from their level and keep his finger on the pulse of operations.

 It was a morale boost for workers to see him get sweaty alongside them, and it allowed Cliff to experience the business from their level and keep his finger on the pulse of operations

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The insight he gained contributed to his success in growing the business. His father never engaged with the crews to the extent Cliff did. Their management styles were completely different.

Both he and Izzy still lived in the same house as their parents, but they had their own private suite with separate bedrooms and bathrooms. Their bedrooms were separated by a shared living room. A third room Cliff used as a home office. They also had a private entrance into their suite. The arrangement was almost the same as living in their own apartment, the difference being he and his sister shared the kitchen and dining room with their parents.

After showering at the end of the day and slipping into clean clothes, Cliff made his way to his home office to check email. He found Izzy there waiting for him.

"Cliffy, can I borrow your fancy car this evening? I'm meeting Kayla at the club in a little while to play tennis."

The request caught him off guard. "Why do you want to impress Kayla with my car?"

"I'm not trying to impress her. I just like driving it. You spoiled me."

He wasn't worried Izzy would crash because she drove like an old lady. "I guess so, but then I'm going to need your car."

She cocked her head. "You're going out after doing manual labor all day? I figured you'd be crashing in front of the TV."

He didn't want to answer, so he redirected. "Where are our parents? I didn't see them when I got home."

"They're at a friend's wedding anniversary party and won't be back until late."

"Good for them."

"You mean good for us. Do you want me to say anything to Kayla for you?"

Cliff groaned. "No."

Izzy approached and touched his shoulder. "Cliffy, I'm not like Mom and Dad. I want you to love the woman you marry. It's just that, I know it would mean a lot to Kayla if you asked her to that stupid summer social. Will you at least consider it? You don't have to marry her, you know."

"We've already been over this. Kayla's parents and our parents are too close. I can't risk misleading anyone about my intentions, especially Kayla."

Izzy thought for a moment before speaking. "Okay, I appreciate your honesty. If you have no feelings for her, it's best to not get her hopes up. I'll tell her you have other plans."

"Don't get me wrong, I like her. She's sweet. It's just..." Someone else occupied his thoughts. Someone who had been on his mind all day and for reasons he didn't understand.

Izzy cocked her head and grinned. "You never answered me. Where are you going tonight?"

She would keep nibbling at him until he told her. He tried redirecting again. "Are you and Aaron going to the social?"

"Of course."

Aaron's parents, both successful attorneys, were also members of the club.

Suddenly, Izzy blurted, "You're going back to the sports bar, aren't you?"

Damn her. She knew him so well. He said nothing.

"Oh, wow!" Izzy exclaimed. "You're really enchanted by that lady."

He shook a finger at her. "I am not enchanted."

"Uh huh. How do you know if she's even working tonight?"

He hadn't given it any thought. "I don't."

"You should find out."

"Right. How do I do that?"

"Simple." Izzy pulled her phone.

"What are you doing?"

"Trust me, bro."

A minute later she spoke into her phone. "Striker Sports Bar? Uh, yes, can I speak with Hannah, please?"

Cliff panicked and reached for her phone. "What the hell? Don't do that."

She shot out her hand and stiff armed him. "Okay. No, I don't need to leave a message. I'll catch her later."

After disconnecting, she faced him and grinned. "It's all in knowing how, big brother. Hannah isn't there now, but her shift starts at six."

Cliff admired his younger sister's resourcefulness, especially when it worked to his benefit. "Have fun playing tennis."

He turned to walk away.

"Wait, what's your plan?" Izzy asked. "Are you just going to show up at the bar and ogle her like some stalker."

Plan? He never had a plan. Cliff just made things happen with women depending on the situation. Since that hadn't worked with Hannah, he figured he could use Izzy's advice. "I'm going to talk to her. What else can I do?"

"Good. That's a start. When you do talk to her, drop your tough guy persona. Be relaxed and honest. Treat her the way you would treat me."

"That'll scare her away for sure."

Izzy held out her hand. "Please, Cliffy, can I use your cool car?"

Cliff dug into his pocket and gave her the key fob. "Nobody else drives my car except you. Got it? Nobody. Everyone will ask you."

"I promise. My key fob is on the dining room table."

As he walked away, Izzy called out after him. "Good luck with Hannah. I have the feeling you're going to need it."

For sure, he's going to need it!  Any ideas what Cliff's job is?

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For sure, he's going to need it!  Any ideas what Cliff's job is?

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Cliff Photo Credit: Shutterstock/Arthur-studio10

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