31 - Flavor of the Month

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"You don't know where he's taking you?" Hannah's mom asked while she layered lunchmeat and cheese between two bread slices.

Hannah grabbed two bottles of water. "Cliff doesn't know either. We're just going to enjoy a carefree drive and be spontaneous about where we stop. The picnic basket was my idea." She set the bottles in the basket beside the cut-up carrots and celery.

Together they finished the sandwiches and laid them on top before closing the basket lid.

Her mother wore a suspicious expression. "When will Cliff be bringing you home?"

"It's spontaneous, Mom. That means there are no deadlines. He only suggested I wear athletic shoes in case we want to get out and walk around. Anyway, it's not like I have anything else going on in my life." As an afterthought she added, "I'm meeting his parents first."

"His parents?" Her mother echoed. "It's getting serious when a man wants a woman to meet his parents. Are you sure you're ready for that?"

Hannah understood how a mother would always be protective, but she was twenty-six. It frustrated her how her mother was calling into question her judgment. Then again, she hadn't been able to discern James' character, so maybe Mom had a point. "Cliff met you, didn't he? Now he'll be meeting Dad. Isn't that just as serious?"

Her mother sat and sighed. Her arthritis was taking a toll. "Hannah, you may think I'm old fashioned, but it's customary for a gentleman caller to meet a lady's parents. On the other hand, it's serious when a man asks a lady to meet his parents."

Hannah called to mind how meeting Cliff's parents had been her suggestion, not his. "You're making me sound like a debutante. I used to have my own place. A year ago, Cliff would be picking me up at my house and wouldn't have met you."

"I'm glad he did. He seems respectable."

Hannah scoffed. "Mom."

"Okay." She waved a hand in dismissal. "I won't say anything further."

"He'll be here any minute," Hannah said after checking the time. She glanced out the window. "Yikes, he's already here and outside talking with Dad. I didn't hear him pull up."

She hurried through the door and met up with the two men who were checking out Cliff's car and engaged in lively conversation.

Her father was running his hand over the front fender. "I've seen photos but never the real thing. I read where this model is severely constrained."

Cliff didn't turn to greet her. "I asked the dealer to add my name to the list as soon as the model was announced. This is only the second E-Ray allocated to our area, so yeah, I'm fortunate."

"I used to own a Corvette before I met my wife. Of course, it looked nothing like this beauty. Still, it brings back memories."

Cliff leaned in closer to her father. "Why don't I take you for a ride sometime?"

Hannah crossed her arms and cleared her throat. "Men and their toys."

They turned to face her. Cliff lit up with a smile.

She felt a little jealous over how easily the men had been getting along. "I see the two of you already met so I don't have to make introductions."

"You didn't tell me your date drove a supercar," her father said.

"There are many things I don't tell you about my dates."

Her comment made both men uncomfortable. She noticed how they stepped away from each other.

"How fast does she move?" Her father asked.

Hannah's jaw hung. For an instant, she thought her father was asking Cliff about her.

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