Class went as usual, girls snickering, guys staring, and kid flirting when he could. Everything was the same until Soul, one of the coolest guys in school asked to talk to me after school alone and heres how things happened...
In the middle of class someone had passed me a note saying "Hey Maka, I have something really important to talk to you about. Is it possible we could meet up after school together? -Soul" A few years ago this wouldnt have been weird but since Liz and her girls turned his niceness into melted butter hes ignored me. I figured it would be a set up so I told kid about it and he said he'd protect me when I needed him, the necklace would tell him if something was up. So with that reassuring note I agreed to go meet up with him at the in the garden just outside the school. And then things get really interesting you won't believe what happened to me....