So after school I went to the big tree in the middle of the garden and waited for the 'oh so cool soul'. When he arrived he hid behind the tree and jumped out at me "Boo! " I slightly jumped and smiled "Well you really came"
He laughed "of course I came I really need to talk to you about something..."
As he spoke he had a slight blush tinted across his cheeks. He looked into my eyes "You see, I know we haven't talked in a while and all but I really wanted to try and start over as friends again." he got closer as he spoke and I was stuck against the tree " or maybe even more then friends? " he whispered as he slowly leans in to try to kiss me and a big flash goes off just before I push soul away. "You know I'm dating Kid so leave me alone. I don't care if we're friends but dont you ever try to kiss me without permission!" He laughs "come on Maka you know I'm a bigger man then he is, plus I know you have feelings for me. " I roll my eyes "I haven't liked you since you left me to hang out with Liz, now just leave me alone! " I turn to run away just as soul grabs my arm spinning me around into his arms and he kissed me deeply. As I try to get away again I hear a slight sniffle, finally getting away I see who it came from... Kid was standing there with the most heartbroken expression on his face. "Kid it's not what you think! " as I say that he shows me a picture of when Soul had me against the tree sent from Liz. I reach out for kid and soul goes up to him "Hmm that's right, I got your girl. And there's nothing you can do about it. I mean let's face it, we do make a cute couple. " Just as soul says that kid gets pissed and attacks Soul. I try to pull them apart but I get knocked into the tree and pass out. Next thing I know I'm in my room surrounded by Kid, Blair, and sadly Soul.