Within a few hours I mannaged to cover the possible tattoo on my neck and dress up in a little sundress that makes my eyes pop. As I get dressed all I can think about is how Phoenix might like what I'm wearing. I try so hard to only think of Kid but every second I am away from her I crave her company. Fighting the urge to be with her makes things even harder. Before Kid makes it in the door I decide I should just tell him what's going on and hope for the best. But when he walks in he seems to already be in a pretty bad mood.
"Kid what's wrong? How was the meeting?" Kid just shakes his head in responce not wanting to say anything at all. I sigh and walk up to him, "How about we go out tonight? Maybe a nice dinner under the stars will make you feel better."
Kid smiles and kisses me slowly, "Okay we can do that, why don't you go with Blair and get a new dress for the date and I'll hang with the guys until tonight." I smile and nod before running off to call Blair and the girls to get the dress.~Kids pov~
The meeting with my father went horrible, everything around me is crumbling and to make matters worse Phoenix is after the only person keeping me sane. I send Maka off just so I can have time to think, Phoenix isn't the only one after Maka and I refuse to let her get hurt even if that means letting Phoenix get to her before the emperous gets to her. At the meeting my father confirmed that she was back and was after my love just like she went after mom years ago. My nightmares only indicate how close she is and if Phoenix gets to Maka first she'll at least keep her safe from being captured.
I ended up calling the guys over and we had a small conversation about what was going on. Of course they were against me letting Maka go but in some ways they understood. Tonight's date will be the end of our relationship and the end of her being in danger ever again. Sometimes you have to let go no matter how bad it hurts.
The guys offer to let me stay with them for the next few nights until I get myself together but there's a part of me that wants to stay home and hold onto what I have left. How did I become so lost? I lost myself when I let everything attack me at once, maybe some day I'll figure it out but for now I just want to be alone.