A closer look into the ball continued

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   The masks slowly come down and the second I see who it is my heart stops.  I just madeout with a girl.  For a second I couldn't even talk I was so shocked I had no idea what to do.  She takes my hand and pulls me close in an attempt of comfort and says "I'm sorry, Its just that Kid told me all about you and I just had to have a taste.  Everything he said was so true."  Her yellow eyes sparkle and she bites her lip as she talks to me. I had no idea what to say,  I was so caught off guard and confused my mind just shut down. 
    She just looks at me waiting for a response but when I went to open my mouth nothing came out, just a slight crack from my throat. She smirks "I know I'm good, but I've never left anyone this speachless before. You must have liked it as much as I did."  she lifts her hand and tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear,  "Dont worry, I wont tell-"  she gets interrupted by the greenhouse door being slammed open and Kid running in our direction. 
   The expression on Kids face when he saw me with her was heartbreaking.  I couldn't tell if he was sad, angry, or disappointed, maybe he was all three.  Kid slowly walked closer and looked at me with sad eyes then slowly looked over to the girl.  His eyes hardened as he sees her and his hand balls up into a tight fist.  She turned to him and smiled innocently as if to lighten things up but Kid only gets angrier.  "H-hey Kid,  long time no see.  How have you been?"  She walks over to Kid and nervously laughs as she reaches for his hand but he swiped her hand away.
   "You went after Maka?  Really!? As if you haven't taken everything else away from me already!"  His eyes glowed with anger and pain,  "Out of all things you could've taken when you found your way back here,  you find the girl I love and MAKEOUT WITH HER!?"  The more he talks the louder he yells and more mad he gets.  The girl flinches as he yells and places her hand on his shoulder "Kid come on, I haven't taken everything from you.  You still have dad. Though its a pitty he chose the wrong twin."  Kid grabed his sister by the collar and whispered something through his clenched teeth and then sends her out towards the door of the green house. 
   The whole time I was thinking of what I should say to Kid even though I knew there was no way I could ever make it up to him.  When we are finally alone I walk towards him "Kid, I can explain."  He takes my hand and pulls me into a tight hug.  "Don't say anything Maka, I know you didnt know.  I should've told you about Phenix, I'm sorry."  He pulls away from me and takes my hand "Come on I think it's time to shut the ball down and then we can talk."  He smiles at me with guilty eyes but I couldn't even see how he was at fault for what happened.  I was the one that made out with his sister, I should have known to take the mast off first.
   Kid pulls me into the ball room and announces the end of the party. People flood out of the doors and eventually it is just me, him and the band. The band was finishing packing when Kids sister, Phenix, pulls me to the side.  I tried to not even look at her and act like she wasnt even there but she just kept talking down Kid and it was pissing me off. Finally she said "You're probably better off without him anyways."  And then I snapped, "Do you know all the hell we have been through!?  Everything he saved me from!?  And all the complications between us?!"  I yelled and yelled at her and she just stood there smirking at me.  Eventually I got annoyed with her little smirk and yelled "What the hell are you looking at!?"  She just laughs and kisses my cheek and whispers "Youre just so hot when you're mad.  Its a real turn on."  I blush a little but it was impossible to notice because my face was already so red from being mad.  After making me blush Phenix laughs a little and walks away "I'll be in town for a while if you ever change your mind and want some real fun."  She walks off with confidence in her hips and her head held high. She knew already she was under my skin and she liked it that way. 

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