Kid whispers in my ear "don't worry about them, if they say anything I'll take care of it" I blushed a little and walk to my seat and start to read until kid started to braid my ponytail. I look at him and smile "what are you doing?" I ask kinds shyly, he smiles "playing with your hair as you read" I giggle and the morning announcements come on,we all stand up and do the thingy and then they say "ok all you kids who's ready for the beginning of the year dance? Well the tickets are on sale and it'll be traditional guys ask girls, so get some guys and ask that beauty, you have 3weeks!" All the girls squeal and I roll my eyes knowing that I wasn't going to go. Kid gets close to my ear and whispers "what,do you not like going yo dances?" I notice how close he is and blush a little "umm, no it's not that it's just that no one ever wants me to go" he chuckles a little "maybe that'll be-" he was cut off by the teacher saying "kid please, let's not have a repeat of yesterday" He nods and sits back in his seat so he wasn't so close"sorry" the teacher smiled and gets back to work. I look over at him, dazed at his coolly calm he was. His beautiful eyes glow bright. He looks at me and winks, I turn away fast and turn red wondering what he's thinking right now. He starts writing something on some paper, he seemed a little nervous about what he was writing but after he wrote it the bell rang and he put it away. I get my stuff and look at him "so, what was that you were writing?" He chuckles nervously and rubs the back of his neck "oh that?" That was nothing..." I smile "ok, I guess. Umm kid?" I say kinda shy he looks at me "yeah?" I blush a little "w-would you walk with me to my next class?" A charming flirty smile "of corse my princess" he takes my hand and kisses the back of it "I would love to" I blush a lot and smile shyly "thanks" he smiles and winks "it's my pleasure" We slowly walk talking about what it's like here since he's new, I don't really notice until we got to my class that we were holding hands. I look down and pull my hand away from his "thank you for walking with me kid, I thought for sure I was going to be bombarded by...." He cuts me off "by plastic?" I giggle "yeah by plastic" he smiles sweetly and nods "it was no problem, but I must bid you a fair well for I mustn't be late for my oh so boring lesson. Until I see you again my princess" he acts like we're I'm midevil times and bows then walks off.