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After the somewhat heartbreaking dream I woke up again but this time Blair had left because she had to go to work.
The guys were still there, but now soul had a huge bruise on the right side of his and kid had a few here and there as well. As I started to stir they quickly put their attention towards me looking at me as if I was a lost puppy or something. I guess it was in a way to show how bad they felt about knocking me out but they still had a lot of tension inbetween them.
Soul placed his hand under my head "Maka are you ok? Are you feeling any better? " As he touched me kid glared at him as if he was watching himself torturingly killing soul but he didn't say anything. I look up at them and sigh "I'm fine, please don't touch me. " And as I request soul move his hand he did as asked of him.
"Umm soul, could I talk to kid alone. We really need to talk and I think it's best that you aren't here for this.... " I could tell the way I said that sank kids heart but I had to put it that way, we really needed to talk. After I asked soul left my place and kid sat on the bed next to me as I sat up. "Listen kid I think that it's better that we..."

To be continued...

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