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"Aha! My time has come."
Y/N said dramatically to herself as she leapt out of bed.

Y/N usually wouldn't wake up with such vigour, especially when injured, but this was her favourite day of the month.

It was the class spelling bee day.
Boys vs Girls. Which (and this was a widely accepted fact) actually meant Y/N vs Gilbert.

Y/N had an unpredictable life, as did anyone in her day and age, but one thing she could always count on was the chance to thrash Gilbert Blythe at least once a month.


"Boo! Too easy! Too easy!"
Yelled one of the many rowdy schoolchildren.

"Spell 'amorous.'"
Mr Phillips instructed one of the three girls left in the spelling competition.


Phillips groaned
"Wrong! Sit down."

The students erupted into cheers and boos.

"Spell 'gorgeous.'"

A boy began his answer, carefully.

"Argh! Sit down, you butcher of beauty!"
Said Phillips angrily.

The boy sat, leaving just Gilbert and Y/N standing.

He phrased this as more of a question.

"Go, Gilbert!"
Yelled one of the boys.

Gilbert recited carefully.
"That would seem to be correct."


Y/N said confidently.


Gilbert said, gaining on Y/N in the confidence department as they pretty much glared at each other now.

"You can do it, Y/N!"
Shouted Anne.


Y/N stated, causing the girls to cheer, Y/N grinned, still maintaining eye contact with Gilbert, mocking him at this point.


Gilbert said correctly, causing the boys to bang their fists on tables.




Gilbert faltered slightly, struggling. Y/N grinned again, knowing that this was a word he struggled with time and time again, but only when they had to spell it out loud.


"That is incorrect."
The girls cheered.

"The spelling, not the sentiment."
Phillips added, still at the back of the classroom.

"Y/N, you won!"
Anne clapped happily.

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