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Y/N was startled awake in the dead of night by the frantic voice of Diana Barry.

She asked, getting up quickly.

"What's the matter?"

"Minnie May, she's sick! I went to Anne's house, but Miss Cuthbert went to the premier- Anne has gone with Mr Cuthbert to go and get the doctor and- "
Diana gasped.

"Did your parents go as well?"
Y/N asked

"Yes! Anne's going to get them while Mr Cuthbert gets the doctor."

"And the doctor won't be here for another few hours at least..."
Y/N muttered to herself.

Y/N quickly made her decision, snapping to attention, becoming serious and calm.

"What's wrong with Minnie May?"
She asked, grabbing some shoes, along with a coat to go over her night clothes.

"I don't know. She's choking and coughing, and it's horrible!"
Diana choked out, through tears.

"Croup. You've done well sending for the doctor."

"Put this on before you catch your death."
Y/N threw a thick jumper at Diana, who was shivering both from the cold and the shock.

"Aunt Josephine's staying with us but she doesn't know what to do! She's never seen a cough like this."

"I have."
Y/N said, gravely, finishing getting dressed and dragging Diana out the door of her bedroom.

"Oh, Y/N, she's fearful sick! She can scarcely breathe!"
Diana said, panic rising even further, sobbing.

"I need to fetch the ipecac before we go!
Anne won't be back for hours. I will do everything I can until then!"


"Lean her over. Make sure she's right above the steam."
Y/N instructed Diana, bringing over a pot of boiling water and putting it in front of a coughing Minnie May.

"We have to loosen the phlegm that's choking her."
Y/N finished, quickly turning on her heel and picking up the ipecac, sighing.

"We've used almost all the ipecac. There's only one more dose. I want to get by with steam and night air until we're forced to use it."
She said quickly, placing the bottle back on the table.

"She's burning up."
Said Diana, a hand on Minnie May's forehead.

"Let's lift her up to the window."
Y/N said, swiftly making her way over and sitting on the ledge.

"Breathing cold air will help."
She gestured to Diane to bring Minnie May over.

They both supported her, each holding half of her body, lifting her head through the window, into the cold night air.

"What on earth do you think you're doing?!"
Exclaimed Diana's aunt Josephine as she walked into the room, casing Y/N to whip her head around.

"Do you wish her to freeze to death as well?!"
Josephine finished, voice raising.

"Cold air is a doctor's best friend when it comes to treating croup."
Said Y/N, levelly, returning to the kitchen.

"You are not a doctor! I do not condone this!"
Josephine scolded.

"I know what I'm doing."
Y/N said, turning from the sink, holding a cold, wet cloth.

"Sorry. If you could please stay out of the way..."
She asked, barely registering Josephine as she approached Minnie May.

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