Chapter 2

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It could be said that it was an absolute miracle that Harry Potter managed to wake up in the morning after the stunt he had pulled. Indeed, Harry was almost disappointed to discover that Draco had not crept into his window and then strangled the Boy-Who-Lived with his own Gryffindor tie. Could it be that Draco and Narcissa had actually eaten the food? Did the Muggle delivery boy get out alive? Did the two of them even find his message?

I knew I should have sent a letter with Hedwig, Harry had grumbled to himself.

The lethally bored teenager had been keeping an eye on the morning use and so far, there had been nothing on the newspaper about a young boy or girl going missing in Wiltshire after setting out to make a McDonald's delivery.

How positively boring! Of course, Harry was relieved no one ended up under the Malfoy patio, but still.

The son of Prongs and godson of Padfoot decided to keep a close eye on the news over the next three days just to make sure that no parents had decided to wait three days to phone the police about a missing child. Nope, still nothing. No missing child, no shoes left outside on the road or sinister message hung in the sky that read DO NOT EVER BRING MCDONALD'S HERE AGAIN! Surely a Muggle on Malfoy territory was something that neither could stomach easily?

There wasn't even an owl with a Howler coming for him. That was the next thing the young wizard kept his eyes peeled for. Any owl with a bright red letter; he knew Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia would love the death threats Harry knew Draco would be throwing at his head. It was a good thing that they decided to make several different day trips one after the other because it gave Harry time to scheme about what he could send Draco and his mother next.

Unfortunately for Harry, the next three days were also so warm that Dudley barely had the inclination to go out, so he was stuck with his cousin inside for most of the day. Fortunately for Harry, it seemed the Dementors from last year had done something to Dudley's character because the usually bullyish boy kept as much as he could out of Harry's way and when they had to be in the same room, he would actually give a small smile in Harry's direction. It was creepy, to say the least.

For once, the Boy-With-Too-Many-Epithets enjoyed keeping the garden alive during the hot summer days because at least he didn't have to deal with Dudley weirding him out. Or so he thought.

It was getting close to dinner time when Harry, who had been busy weeding, heard the garden door open. "Hey, cousin! Mum and Dad have let me know they will not be back until tomorrow and it's too bleeding hot for either of us to cook so shall I just order some pizza? Oh, and Piers is coming over. You don't mind, do you?"

"Yeah, sure," Harry replied, utterly shocked at Dudley not only offering to get dinner but also asking Harry's permission essentially to invite his friend over.

"OK, cool. What pizza would you like?" Dudley asked, looking and sounding a little awkward.

"I never had one, so you pick one. Surprise me," Harry smiled a little.

Dudley nodded and as his cousin went back into the house, it was then that the flash of evil inspiration hit the son of Prongs.

He knew exactly what to send the Malfoys next; they dealt with McDonald's. How would the two snobby Nobles handle Muggle pizza?

The question was: where was a nearby pizza place and who would be willing to once more risk their lives and deliver to Wiltshire?

The Fates were usually the ones to kick Harry up the backside but apparently they decided to make up for some of the things they had done by throwing him a bone. Piers Polkiss, who was still his scrawny self that Harry remembered so well, behaved himself and even gave Harry a nod of the head in greeting as he went for the TV. Not too long afterwards did the pizza delivery boy arrive. Harry went to get the food and pay the boy for his trouble.

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