Chapter 13

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"NO! You have got to be kidding me! I fricking had it!"

"No, no, no, no, no, no, I screwed up again! How do these stupid Muggles solve this damn thing?"

"I could have been doing my nails instead of this. Why are you making me do this?"

"No, Mr. Mupples, I don't think this was the right move. Yes, Mr. Mupples, I think I have made yet another mistake. ... Mr. Mupples, what are you doing – oh you fixed it well done!"

"YES! Yes, finally I have it! I have it – NO! WALDEN, I AM GOING TO FEED YOU TO THE WEREWOLVES!"

Antonin Dolohov was throwing Tempest Jinxes at Macnair, who had thrown a casual hex, undoing all of Dolohov's hard work that he had been doing for the past fifteen minutes. The breakfast table at Malfoy Manor was full of people sipping smoothies and trying to solve the damn Rubix Cube puzzle. The adults and children were all at it – even Rabastan and Rookwood had abandoned their books and magazines for a while to try and solve the Cube but so far they had no luck either. The werewolves were also doing it while Fenrir watched them grumpily.

Voldemort himself had been trying to solve the Rubix Cube since yesterday evening – the thing had distracted him from his self-help books – while trying to ignore the snickering and teasing that had come through the Link with the Brat as he worked.

Oh come on, Voldie, I thought you were supposed to be intelligent!

Nope, that won't work either!

Oooooo bad luck! Would you like me to play some sad violin music for you?

It was this last one that had really peeved the Dark Lord off and he had snapped back, have you nothing better to do than being a nuisance, Harry? Oh wait, you live to annoy me. How could I have forgotten?!

The boy had laughed heartily at this. I suppose I do have something better to do but right now I am hiding from an angry Hermione and I would rather face another Basilisk, thanks.

Another Basilisk?

Voldemort had found himself repeating in surprise.

Oh come on, as if you don't know. Anyway, I will leave you alone if you tell or show me if your Death Munchers enjoy their little presents.

Voldemort had frowned to himself incredulously and then promptly started scowling. Why should I do that, you impudent wart?

Because if you don't I will start singing some very annoying songs in your head while you work on the Rubix Cube. You ready? Here is the first one! I hope you're a Madonna fan. Voldemort's eyes widened at this. #Swaying room as the music starts, strangers making the most of the dark-#

All right, all right! Stop that heinous noise! I will show you, Voldemort huffed.

During the night? Immediately afterwards from now on?

Voldemort grumbled in Parseltongue. *Fine! I hate you.*

*I hate you too, Voldie.*

The Link was shut before Voldemort could demand how Harry knew Parseltongue.

But the Dark Lord did keep to the end of his bargain, much to his own chagrin. Also to his infuriation, he still had not managed to solve the Rubix Cube by the time it was breakfast and was thus amongst the group who continued to try and solve the thing at the breakfast table.

However, Lord Voldemort was not known for his patience, ergo was losing his patience with the Cube, very quickly. When he was sure everyone wasn't looking, he waved a flippant hand and smirked with satisfaction as the Cube promptly solved itself.

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