Chapter 6

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Harry almost regretted sending a Rednex CD with Draco's torture-the-werewolves package. Why? Because he had not expected the music to be listened to actively but Draco had absolutely exceeded his expectations. Apparently Draco – and likely his friends – had actually been listening to the Muggle music he sent them. Harry knew this because Voldemort had decided to get revenge for Harry's latest prank by sending the tune and lyrics to Cotton Eye Joe through their shared link in the early morning. Unfortunately, it seemed that Harry also had the propensity to sing in his sleep!

# If it hadn't been for Cotton-Eye Joe
I'd been married long time ago
Where did you come from, where did you go?

Where did you come from, Cotton-Eye Joe?
If it hadn't been for Cotton-Eye Joe
I'd been married long time ago
Where did you come from, where did you go?
Where did you come from, Cotton-Eye Joe?

What made the situation even more unfortunate, was that Harry was rooming with Ron Weasley, as usual. The youngest Weasley, woken up by the irritating tune, gave his best friend a sharp kick in the ribs, which admittedly did wake the Boy-Who-Was-Getting-Some-Karma up.

"Mate, what the fuck are you singing?!" Ron hissed crankily.

"Eeeerm ... Muggle song from America," Harry groaned, still clutching his side. "Did you have to bloody kick me that hard?"

"Sorry, mate. It's just you really can't sing while you're asleep," Ron responded, sounding half amused and half annoyed.

"Fair enough," Harry chuckled.

"Wait ... why were you singing that song?" Ron sat up, his eyes wide.

He regretted asking the question the moment he saw the tell-tale evil smirk spread onto the Boy-Who-Had-No-Sense-of-Self-Preservation. "Believe it or not, it was Captain Red-Eyes."

"You-Know-Who made you sing that song?" Ron squeaked.

"Not exactly: he sent the lyrics and the music through our connection," Harry admitted with a chuckle. "I think someone is a little jealous his enemy managed to make his familiar happy and he didn't."

"Oh, Merlin's baggy trousers, mate – if this had been anyone else I'd book them into St. Mungo's," Ron groaned sinking back into his bed. "Let me guess, you're going to send You-Know-Who a thank you gift."

"Of course! It would be rude not to," Harry grinned. "I just have to make sure either Hermione agrees to my plans, or she is kept as far away from them as possible."

"Oh yeah! How could I almost forget? You have to deal with the Killjoy Queen for the rest of the summer," Ron chuckled.

"Well, if all else fails, I can just ask Dudley and Piers for help, my first two Councillors of Pranks," Harry stated happily.

"I was glad that you and your cousin are now on better terms, but now I am not so sure," Ron admitted groggily. "I just hope for your sake your aunt and uncle don't catch wind of what you have been doing."

"Oh please! They'd be more disappointed at the fact I am not dead yet," Harry responded candidly. "As for their little ickle Diddikins, they believe whatever he says so chances are he will cover for me."

Ron snorted. "Ickle Diddikins. Good grief! I die every time Mum calls me Ronnikins. How did your cousin ever become the bully instead of the target?"

"By being big and scary," Harry replied truthfully.

The two boys got some more sleep, though both of them couldn't get back into a deep slumber so it was more akin to a nap. But that also didn't last very long because the Walking Alarm Cloak that was Hermione Granger eventually came to their room to get them because Molly was almost ready with the breakfast.

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