Chapter 10

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If Lucius, Jugson, Travers and Avery were under the illusion that the day before had been nothing but a bad dream, the sight of the garden of Malfoy Manor being decorated with cheap plastic pink flamingos soon knocked them back into the reality of the metaphorical siege they had found themselves under. There was also another factor that dispelled the potential wool that they had tried to pull over their own eyes: the fact that Blaise Zabini, Vincent Crabbe and Theo Nott had come late for breakfast that morning.

The evening before, Blaise, Vincent and Theo had been acting so strangely that everyone at the Manor had been extremely tempted to send the boys to St. Mungo's. Blaise had been singing Italian lullabies to the flowers in the Malfoy garden because apparently 'the fairies were not happy with the same songs being sung around them'. When Vincent was asked by the Dark Lord where his father and mother were, because he apparently needed to speak with them, the boy's candid answer had been: "Sir, don't ask me. Ask your hippo." As for Theo, not only was Draco able to beat him during wizard's chess for the first time in his life, the Nott heir had spent the entire time shouting at his chess pieces that 'their dance moves are completely off rhythm and that it was annoying and throwing him off'.

When the three boys started freaking out because they thought Nagini and Thalia had grown an extra head between them, the decision was made to knock them out for the evening and have them sleep whatever it was off. That had resulted in Voldemort ordering Snape, Rookwood and Avery Senior to investigate the Mystery of the Confounded Children, until members of Fenrir's werewolf pack had gone back to investigate the brownies once more and after taking in their scents, and yes eating some, the ones who were not as a high as a kite concluded that the idiotic children had eaten the brownies Harry Potter sent Lucius.

"I knew they were poisoned!" Macnair had gloated gleefully.

Reed had rolled his eyes at that comment. "Hate to break it to you, but the plant that was mixed into this isn't poisonous. Some Muggles even use it for medicinal purposes as well as for fun."

"Animals," Mulciber had snarled before he got sharply whacked around the head by three werewolves.

Well, that morning, Lucius, Jugson, Travers – both of whom had been sleeping with one eye open in case of a still irate Bellatrix and Mr. Mupples – and Avery, had hoped they would be greeted by a more mundane sight. One that they were used to. What they did not expect to see was Nagini and Thalia still finishing the last of the escaped rat colony, the children completely ignoring the adults in favour of their music, and Rabastan shamelessly using the Muggle blender that he had made work with magic somehow and making smoothies for everyone – whether they wanted it or not!

The Dark Lord was sampling a kiwi and banana one, Rodolphus had apple, strawberry and mango, and Bellatrix was willingly drinking a blueberry, blackberry and raspberry smoothie while apologising to Mr. Mupples that he couldn't have any. Fenrir was glaring at his orange, pineapple and passion fruit smoothie as though it was one of the most offensive things he had ever seen. Members of his pack, however, were coming back for seconds without remorse. Dolohov had dragon fruit, grape and pear, which he was enjoying immensely. Rookwood had watermelon, blueberry and apple; Macnair had finished his own smoothie and was trying to steal Avery Senior's, who hexed him with every attempt. The Carrow twins were flat out refusing to touch theirs as was Yaxley. Snape actually seemed to like the cherry and beet smoothie Rabastan had slid under his nose without asking if he wanted one. Even Wormtail had been permitted to get one – an orange, carrot and ginger smoothie no one seemed to want. Narcissa was working down a strawberry and banana one.

"The world's gone mad," Avery Junior stated, sounding slightly defeated.

Unfortunately, Rabastan clocked their arrival and grinned at them. "Ah, gentlemen! Good morning. You arrived just in time. I need someone to taste my kale, avocado and cucumber smoothie please? And this one too – pineapple, blueberry and cut oranges! I also have one with raspberries, orange slices, mango slices and chopped banana. Oooo how about my kiwi, watermelon and grape one? Maybe not for you, Lucy, you look a little green yourself!"

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