Chapter 21

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Antonin Dolohov and Thorfinn Rowle were not present for breakfast the Monday following the shopping trip Narcissa had taken with her estranged older sister and the Potter boy. While many found this odd – and were gleefully hoping that it meant the pair would receive more Boglins for the indiscretion – Voldemort knew exactly what his two followers were up to and thus didn't feel the need to give out any Boglins that time.

Because of the rainbow wig that was still stuck firmly to his head, the Dark Lord was forced to stay inside and tend to paperwork. That morning he had been forcing himself to read reports from spies within the Ministry when there had been a very tentative knock at the door of his study. Voldemort had been secretly rather grateful to whomever was taking mercy on him.

"Enter!" he had snapped.

In came Antonin and Thorfinn, both looking exceedingly nervous, considering the looks they were exchanging. Voldemort had raised an expectant eyebrow. "Well? What isss the meaning of thisss interruption?"

Antonin had gulped a little. "M-my Lord, w-we would like your permission to send a prank to Potter. We have an idea that could work."

Voldemort had sighed irritably. Were all of his followers going to ask his permission every time they had an idea? He really hoped not! "Very well. What isss it?" he demanded to know.

"A variant of Potter's confetti bomb, my Lord – only done properly, with magic," Thorfinn had answered readily. "The issue is, Antonin has an idea for the spell combination but I want to do something differently so we would like to send both, my Lord."

"We have also borrowed a few of Walden's ideas," Antonin added with a small smirk.

That alone made Voldemort smirk internally. He hated to admit it, but Walden did have some golden prank ideas that could definitely work. Hopefully these ones could work a bit more regularly than the Secret Spiller. Apparently the latest thing it did was blab to the entire Gryffindor common room that Ron had a nightmare about opera singing spiders, one Seamus Finnigan had a crush on someone called Dean and that Hermione Granger had been voted the Most Uptight during a secret voting competition between students.

There had been nothing too scandalous or salacious yet and Voldemort was severely disappointed.

The Dark Lord had glowered at his followers. "You have my permissssion. Now, get out!"

Antonin and Thorfinn had bolted from the room in seconds, practically slamming the door behind them. Voldemort had chuckled in sadistic satisfaction; he did have a reputation to try and uphold after all.

This was why the two Death Eaters had not left their rooms in about an hour and thirty minutes since they got the green light for their prank; they were too busy competing with each other for the most creative confetti bomb box to come and join their friends and colleagues at the breakfast table. Perhaps they had some foresight; the atmosphere at the breakfast table wasn't too happy.

Reason number one: there was yet another domestic dispute between Rodolphus and Bellatrix regarding Rodolphus' behaviour to Mr. Mupples. Poor Rabastan had been forced to sit between his brother and sister-in-law, because Bella was positively vibrating with rage and Rodolphus was also quietly seething.

Most people knew not to say anything about it and to simply pretend like nothing was untoward. However, it had been Travers who was the one to set the pair off again when he took his own seat at the long table and noticed that Bella and Rodolphus were once again angry at each other. "What has happened this time?" he had thought it was a good idea to ask out loud.

"Derrick, shut up!" chorused many Death Eaters and werewolves at the same time.

Unfortunately for them all, Bellatrix broke immediately. "Mr. Mupples was having a fun stair race with some of the wolfies and their slinkies. Balthazar ruined one of the races and then when I asked Dolph to fix the slinky, he refused to fix Mr. Mupples' slinky!"

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