Chapter 8

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Surprisingly enough, Harry awoke the next morning completely refreshed and looking forward to starting another day of playing Quidditch, wizard's chess, trying to plot another scheme in peace, and enjoying the rest of his summer holidays before Hogwarts' school term started again and likely would try to throw another spanner in the works of his schemes. At least Draco and his chums in Slytherin would be on high-alert for the rest of the year – that was going to be very interesting to see!

But the reason for the Boy-Who-Lived-To-Torment-Dark-Lords waking up so happy and energised, was because for the entire night, he and Voldemort had been playing Shitty Song Ping-Pong with each other. It had started with Old Snakeface deliberately sending Cotton Eye Joe through the link again, thinking it would wake his enemy up, but the Dark Lord was furious when he heard one of the most awful tunes and lyrics that he had the misfortune of hearing. Harry had sent him back Macarena, not that Voldemort was aware of what the name of the song was. Captain Cueball had answered with Dancing Queen, only for him to almost start sending Cruciatuses at Rowle, Alecto Carrow and Avery during a meeting when he realised the boy was singing along to it instead of getting nightmares. Voldemort almost had a meltdown when Harry deliberately sent back Mamma Mia!

The Death Eaters, Nagini and Thalia were all concerned at the weird and funny contortions Voldemort's face kept making throughout the mental battle between him and the Boy-Who-Seemed-To-Have-An-Answer-To-All-Voldemort's-Attempts-To-Traumatise-Him.

On his part, Harry had enjoyed his joust with Captain Red-Eyes immensely and was pleased to learn that the snake friend he had sent Nagini had been named Thalia and had a wonderful sense of humour! Her puns were so bad, they were good, and that was exactly what Harry had hoped for. Thalia was sure to keep the Dark on their toes!

So, this was the reason why Harry got showered, dressed and practically skipped down to breakfast that morning with a still-tired-and-in-need-of-food-and-coffee Ron following behind at a more sedated pace. The two boys helped Molly set the table and they had just finished when Hermione and Ginny came down for breakfast. Fred and George were at their shop already and Arthur had already gone off to the Ministry. Apparently someone had sent his department some very interesting garments anonymously and his bosses wanted Arthur and his team to investigate them.

Hermione was still eyeing Harry suspiciously as Molly plated their breakfast.

"Everyone sleep well?" Molly asked, as she normally did.

"Got woken up too early – OW! Hermione! Why did you kick me?!" Ron complained.

"I slept very well, thank you," Harry stated brightly.

"Hermione kept tossing and turning, so it took me ages to get to sleep," Ginny added, not looking all too happy.

"I had a dream that Harry got kidnapped by You-Know-Who and his Death Eaters and he was being tortured by this giant, multi-coloured monster and then put into this hideous pink dress with too many ribbons," Hermione looked as pale as a ghost. "He was then forced to groom a pack of werewolves – I have no idea where that came from but-"

"It's a premonition!" Ron and Ginny chorused dramatically.

Hermione huffed. "I do not believe in Trelawney's nonsense, and never will!"

"And yet you take Arithmancy," Harry reminded her with a faux innocent look. "That is Divination only with maths added onto it!"

Hermione looked affronted. "Arithmancy is more than just Divination with maths added onto it! It also tries to make use of psychology and patterns of behaviour-"

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