Chapter 12

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When the inhabitants and guests of Malfoy Manor awoke the next morning, it was perhaps a miracle that none of the windows in the upstairs bedrooms exploded outwards due to uncontrolled magical outbursts on the account of indignant fury. During the night, the Greyback pack had executed what they had dubbed Operation Lighten Up the Wizards: they had snuck into the rooms of Reed, Yaxley, Mulciber, Avery Senior, Amycus and Alecto Carrow, Draco, Daphne, Jugson, Travers, Avery Junior and Macnair and had somehow managed to give them hair make overs during the night without waking their targets. They even had managed to evade all the Alarm Charms that Jugson, Travers, and Avery Junior had put on their beds.

How? Sheer dumb luck. One stumble and they would have set off the alarms.

Well, apart from Reed, Macnair, Mulciber and Avery Senior, the people who had a new style and discovered it in their reflections all screamed at impressively high octaves, almost at the exact same time, which everyone in the Manor found rather impressive. There were a lot of tired elves going around rooms cleaning up mirror glass shrapnel that morning as everyone went to breakfast. Reed, Macnair, Mulciber and Avery Senior were also the only ones to go down to the breakfast table without a hat or something to cover their heads, sit down, pour a morning coffee and read the newspaper or one of Rabastan's Muggle books like nothing had happened.

Except of course, everyone else could not contain their amusement. Several times the Death Eaters and the children almost had smoothie coming out of their noses because they were laughing so hard at Reed, Macnair, Mulciber and Avery Senior's appearance. Voldemort almost choked on his waffles; once he was breathing again, Thalia started hissing with laughter.

*Nagini, we have found the one thing a Horcrux cannot guard you against: the sheer awesome power of waffles!*

I need to stop feeding my snakes ammunition, the Dark Lord grumbled to himself, smacking his head against the table.

As for everyone else, Yaxley looked like he had been crying and was wearing an ugly sunshine yellow cap on his head with all of his long locks stuffed under it. The Carrow twins were wearing S.P.E.W. knit wear, Draco was wearing his Slytherin house winter cap while looking ready to strangle someone, Daphne looked set to throw stilettos at anyone who remotely asked why she was wearing one of Narcissa's ugly bonnets on her head while Jugson, Travers and Avery Junior had attempted to Glamour what had been done to them. Needless to say, the Greyback pack was in big trouble, which was why all of them had made themselves scarce outside while being berated by a furious Fenrir, who still had not managed to get his hair back to normal.

Indeed, the only ones who were not affected by the werewolves' prank, were Bellatrix, who was too busy conspiring with Mr. Mupples to kidnap the Potter Brat and make him dance in dresses that were slowly going to strangle him to death; Rabastan, because he still had his head in one of his self-help books (as Snape explained what they were); and Rookwood, who was too busy with his copy of Nimbus to care about what was going on around him. The only thing that did make the two of them look up was the fact that Dolohov thought it would be a prudent idea to try and steal their smoothies from them.

The Russian Death Eater promptly got stabbed in the hand with butter knives for that attempt. In Bellatrix's case, her dagger, which Dolohov was not so happy with as he had to move quickly to save his beloved fingers.

"I fucking hate kids," Amycus Carrow grumbled as he executed a slice of apple in his fruit salad.

"Oh don't worry, Amy, they'll be gone soon," Rowle sneered brightly.

Amycus scowled at him. "Not those fucking mongrel kids; we all know they did this. I meant the damn Potter Brat. And how many times do I have to say it? Don't call me Amy, you out-of-date, flat faced skunk!"

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