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I was awakened by the loud ass school bell, signaling the beginning of hell for today. I didn't bother moving, not even when the teacher entered the classroom and started talking about some bullshit. I don't even wanna be here. "... for today's task you'll need a partner. It can be the person you're sharing a desk with, or whoever you choose. Now, let's get to work!" The teacher seemed cheerful. I felt a tap on my shoulder. Ugh. Another few taps. Each tap turned more agressive as the other person seemed to get more annoyed at my lack of response. I rolled my eyes and looked up." What?" I said. I was also annoyed at this point. Why won't they leave me alone. Their face softened a little bit. "Everyone else has a partner already. So wanna be partners?" the new kid asked, a slight smile on their face. Why would they wanna work with me? I'd expected them to ask the teacher if they could work alone. Aren't they afraid of me?
I sighed "sure, whatever.." their face lit up at my response. Weird. We started working, even tho I don't even know what we're supposed to be doing. "I'm Y/n Y/l/n by the way. You know.. the new kid?" they said the last part in a kind of a joking manner. "I'm Vance" I replied. "Yeah, I kinda figured that out already. Based on the descriptions I got from others so far." So they know who I am.. And yet they're not scared? That's a first. "You're not as bad as people portray you to be. I mean, as far as I've seen you're actually quite nice." Nice? What? Nobody has ever described me as nice. "I'm from Europe by the way. Just transfered here recently. I saw you looking at my attire earlier, so I'm sure you probably figured that I'm not American." Oh, so I was right. "Are Europeans always this extra when it comes to how they dress?" I asked getting quite curious. "Yep. We can be dressed in full glam only to go and buy some potatoes at the market." Both of us chuckled slightly. We finished the rest of our work in comfortable silence. Soon enough, the class ended. I gathered my stuff and left the classroom. Next class... ugh. English. I hate it. The teacher is annoying as hell. I heard footsteps behind me. I turned my head to see who was following me. It was Y/n. "You got English aswell right?" "Yeah?" "Lucky me! I'm gonna follow you because I have no idea where to go. I mean, if that's okay with you?" I didn't reply. I just turned around and motioned with my hand for them to follow me. We got there just in time. I took my usual spot in the back, Brock sitting next to me. Y/n stood near the door searching for a seat. They seemed uncomfortable standing there. I don't blame them. Someone switched seats last minute, leaving an open seat in the back at the other end of the classroom. They quickly took the seat and prepared for class. This time they sat alone. They seemed comfortable with that. They were drawing something in their notebook until the teacher entered the classroom.

I didn't pay attention at all. The whole lesson I kept my head on the desk and sometimes taking quick glances at Y/n.

*timeskip - end of school*
"Ma, I'm home!" "Hi hun! I'm in the kitchen!" I went to the kitchen where my mother was cooking something. Based on the smell, something delicious. "Hey, look! It's your favourite!" my mother smiled widely. I smiled "Thanks Ma!" To tell you the truth, anything my mom makes is my favourite. I put both of our plates down on the table. We sat down and began eating. The meal was silent for the most part, until my mother spoke. "So sweetie, how was your day?"
"Boring for the most part. We have a new student. Their name is Y/n. We have the same schedule." "That's quite nice, isn't it? You get to make a new friend."  My mom was always optimistic no matter what happened. I liked that about her. It helped us get through tough times. My father was very abusive. He would get drunk and hit both of us for no reason. He would mostly hit my mom. That's why I need to be strong, for her. They divorced when I was about 7 or 8 and my mom has been doing a lot better. I'm glad that she's happy. The abuse had a bad impact on my temper. I really hate hurting the ones I care about. I just can't help it...

We finished our meal and I went up to my room. Since I couldn't play pinball today, I decided to read some comics while listening to Sweet. After I finished reading the comic I decided to change into something more comfortable and go to sleep. It was pretty late afterall.
I turned off the lights and went to bed.

I had a strange dream. It was dark. I kept walking in this dark void until I spotted something... or should I say someone. It was Y/n. They were sitting down with their legs crossed, staring into the black void in front of them. I tried to talk to them, no response. I watched them sigh and pull out something shiny. I couldn't see what it was. Suddenly they disappeared and the black void around me became red. I tried to move, but my feet were stuck to the floor. Red liquid started filling the room. I still couldn't move. WHY CAN'T I MOVE?! I struggled as the liquid reached my head. I couldn't breathe.

I woke up in a cold sweat. What the absolute hell was that all about? I had so many questions running through my mind.

Maybe a nice shower will help...

Maybe a nice shower will help

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Secret Admirer- Vance Hopper Where stories live. Discover now