Art Project

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We missed a few classes that day. But our art teacher told other teachers why she dismissed us. Plus, Y/N had that pass so nobody would question anything anyways. Y/N never told me why they were so depressed. I guess there's just no reason that could explain it. After missing the first three periods, we returned to our class. We were currently sitting in biology. Nothing interesting was going on to be honest. I personally didn't like biology that much. Y/N on the other hand found it very interesting. The lesson was interrupted by our art teacher. She asked to speak to Y/N and I. We got up and went outside of the classroom. "Since I dismissed you both today means that you are falling back on your work. I was thinking that you two could do a project to make up for it. Is that alright?" I didn't say anything. To be honest I was kinda annoyed that we were given work on top of other school-related things we had. Y/N just agreed with the teacher. With that, we returned to class.

30 minutes of boring things about the human body later, the class was finally over. I gathered my stuff and waited for Y/n. Once they were done we went to our next class. While we were walking we kept getting weird stares from others. Y/N didn't seem to notice, but I did. It pissed me off. "The hell are y'all looking at?!" I snarled. Everyone looked away and returned to minding their own business. Y/N gave me a confused look but didn't say anything. We finally got to our english class and took our seats. The teacher was late, which gave me a chance to ask Y/N about our project. "So...when are we doing the project?" they thought for a good few seconds before asking "Well, are you free today?" "I am. Come by my place at 4." they nodded their head. The teacher finally entered the class with some dumbass excuse. I didn't care.

The rest of the day went by slowly. I was kinda looking forward to doing the art project so I didn't pay much attention in classes. Was I nervous? Keep it together Vance. It's just a stupid project. But I'll be alone with Y/N for hours in my room. Holy shit they make me nervous.. Why do I feel like this? I tried calming down. Didn't work. As time passed, the more nervous I got. I hated this feeling. But yet again, no one has made me feel like this before... It was now our last class of the day. Honestly, I didn't even know which class we were in. My mind was racing with all kinds of thoughts. "You seem troubled." Y/N said in a quiet and calm tone. How are they this calm? "I'm alright" I replied, lying. I couldn't let them know that they made me nervous. I couldn't let anyone know that I was even capable of feeling nervous.

The final bell rang snapping me out of my thoughts. Kids rushed out of class. I took my time gathering my stuff. I'd have to wait for Y/N anyways; might aswell gather my stuff matching their pace. We were now walking out of school together. We didn't really do this often even tho we had the same classes. I would usually meet up with Brock, but that dumbass broke his leg which means he's not at school. I rolled my eyes at the thought of him laying at home in a cast. Before leaving, I had to go to my locker to pick up my smokes. Y/N stayed by me. Another note fell out. I didn't have time to check the locker all day. I decided to save the note for later, couldn't be bothered reading it right now. I got my stuff and we finally left that hellhole. "See you at 4" Y/N said waving a little bit before walking away. "Yeah, see ya.." I replied before heading home.

After a 10 minute walk I finally arrived home. "Ma, I'm home!" "Hey, hun! How was school?" my mother said smiling. "It was alright. I have a friend coming over later for our art project." I said while plopping down next to her on the couch. My mother looked at me for a bit before.. smirking? "Is that friend the Y/N you always talk about?" my mom said, raising an eyebrow. "Mom..." I started, but she interrupted me. "Don't worry, I'll leave you two alone." she said smiling. "Now, go clean your room." her gaze turned serious which made me chuckle a bit. "Alright, alright" I said while putting my hands up in defence. I was halfway up the stairs before I heard "AND NO FUNNY BUSINESS" coming from the living room. I groaned in response. I entered my room and took one good look at it. It was a mess. It was usually messy, but right now it was even more messy if that's possible. I started to clean up a bit before I decided that my room looked okay-ish. At least the clothes weren't all over the floor anymore. It was now 2:45pm. I decided to take a quick shower. I picked out some black sweats and a sleeveless Sweet shirt. I take 5-10 minute showers because my hair takes a long time to dry.

I was finishing drying my hair when I heard the doorbell ring. Huh? It's not 4pm already, is it? I quickly grabbed my shirt and exited the bathroom to answer the door. I opened the door while putting the shirt over my head. I was met with Y/N's shocked face. "Like what you see?" I teased. They didn't answer my question. "Aren't you cold?" I looked at them in a 'do I look cold to you' matter. I let them in and took a quick second to observe their outfit. They were wearing an oversized sweather with a skull on it which ended just above their knees, some cargo pants/fishnets (you pick), they wore their usual converse. They topped the outfit with some acessories. They were carrying a bag full of art supplies. "Hun, who was that?" I heard my mom ask from the laundry room. "My friend got here early!" I replied. There was a moment of silence before I saw my mother almost running out of the laundry room and towards us. Y/N chuckled slightly at my mom's eagerness to meet them.

Oh god... This is gonna be embarrasing.

"Hello, dear. You must be Y/n. Vance always talks about you." I want the earth to swallow me. Y/N gave me a 'oh really?' look. "Yes , that's me. Pleasure meeting you." they stretched out their hand for my mother to shake. My mom was taken aback a little bit, but SHOOK their hand. "Wow, it's nice seeing younger people being so polite for a change. Say, is everyone like that in Europe?" my mother asked. Y/N thought about it for a second and shook their hand in a so-so motion. "It depends on the country and region. But from what I've gathered, it's quite rare." they replied giving an awkward smile. My mother nodded her head and started to observe Y/N. "Ah, no wonder my Vance can't stop talking about you. You're polite, pretty.." I was probably as red as a tomato at this point. I covered my face in embarrassment. "Mom..." I started. "Oh, sorry. Alright, I'll leave you two to do the project. My shift starts soon anyways." my mom said. She gave Y/N a smile and went into her room. Y/N and I stood there awkwardly. "So, you talk about me a lot, huh?" Y/N said. I could hear the smirk in their voice. "In your dreams. Let’s go to my room." I said trying to change the subject.

We were at the top of the stairs when Y/N asked "How come you never told me anything about your mother? She seems very sweet." They were right. I honestly don't know why I didn't tell them anything about my mom. "Well, you never told me anything about your family" I said. They looked at me before replying "Fair point." I opened the door to my room, a rush of nervousness running through me. We awkwardly sat on my bed. Y/N was observing my room. I couldn't think of anything to break the silence. I looked at my timer and saw that they arrived an hour early. I was about to ask them why, but then they spoke up. "Your room is pretty rad. It represents you, unlike mine." they said with a slight smile. "Uhm.. Thanks" I said while scratching the back of my neck. There was silence between us again. I didn't like it. Y/N continued observing my room, looking at my posters and my collection of comics. "How come you got here an hour early?" I asked. They finally looked at me. "Well, I figured we'll need more time for the project. And also to break the awkwardness a little bit." they shrugged their shoulders and went back to looking around my room. Their logic was... understandable. I wonder if they're as nervous as me. They sure don't seem like it...

Why do I even feel this way?

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