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I managed to stagger home somehow. Once I got inside I couldn't stop shaking. Y/n tried to end their life. Why the fuck would they do that?! Thank god I found them in time. I hope they're doing alright and getting treated. I zoned out, still standing at my front door. My thoughts were racing, my whole body shook. I need to call Brock.

We haven't spoken much since he broke his leg. I just need someone to distract me a little bit. I don't want to wake my mother, so he's my only option. I also wonder how he's doing. I picked up the phone and dialed his number. I sat on the floor waiting for him to pick up. "Hey, man! What's good" finally he picked up. "Uh nothing much. I just went through some traumatic ass shit." I said quietly, my mom needs sleep. "What? You saw a naked grandma?" he laughed a bit, before realizing how serious the situation was. "Aight, what happened?" I sighed and rubbed my face with my free hand. "Remember Y/n, right?" I have no idea how to start off. "The one you have the hots for? Duh" this motherfu- "Brock, this is not the time to be messing with my temper." I said slightly irritated. "Ok, ok. Sorry. Go on." I took a deep breath and told him everything. "Dude.. That's fucked up... Are they ok? Are you ok?" I stared at the ceiling. "I'm alright. Just a little shaken up I guess. Don't know how they're doing right now tho..." "Why did they do it tho?" I have the same, unanswered fucking question. "No idea. I might ask them, but I doubt they'll want to talk about it." the atmosphere is heavy as fuck. Switch topics. "Anyways, when are you coming back to school dumbass?" he chuckled a little bit before answering. "I'm coming back next week, dude. Y'know I drink a lot of milk so my bones healed fast." I hope that he's fucking joking. "You still believe that milk helps?" I said, slightly disappointed.
"Uh, no?" I mentally facepalmed myself. How the fuck am I friends with this guy? "Aight, thanks for chatting, man. Bye" He said bye and started making weird ass noises which made me hung up faster. Weirdo.

I quietly climbed the stairs and went to my room. Honestly, I didn't even bother to change. I just took my boots off, and my jacket, and went to sleep. I opened my eyes to that very familiar black abyss. Oh, gosh, you have to be fucking kidding me. I know I'm dreaming, but I can't wake up. This time I just decided to stand in place. Whatever this fuckery is, I'm not gonna involve myself in it. Just as that thought crossed my mind, a car basically flew past me. The fuck?! I was now standing next to a busy road. In the middle of it, stood Y/N. "Y/N?! Get the fuck out of there!" they just smiled sadly before a car hit them. I stood there in shock. "This is a dream, this is all just a fucking dream." I repeated to myself until I was left alone in the black abyss. Just as I started to calm down, two Y/n's appeared in front of me. One was holding a knife, the other a rope.
Y/n on the right started stabbing themselves. Nope, there's no way in hell I'm staying here. I tried to leave, but I couldn't move. I was forced to watch
Y/n take their life in all sorts of ways. Hanging, overdose, drowning, slitting their wrists and bleeding out. It was horrible. Then, it all stopped. The cries, the pleas for everything to end. I was once again alone. Then Y/N appeared next to me, hugged me, then stepped in front of me. They lifted their arm and opened their hand, revealing a number. "10" 10 what? I looked at them confused. They smiled sadly at me, that's when it hit me. 10 attempts. They tried to take their life 10 times. All that was shown to me, were their attempts. They were only succesful here it seems. Y/n put their arm down, still looking at me with sad eyes. Once again, they smiled. They started waving.
I woke up.

Secret Admirer- Vance Hopper Where stories live. Discover now