Concerning Letters

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I've been getting this love notes or letters every day for the past 2 or 3 weeks. I found a box to keep them all in it. Most of them were quite sweet.

You're the prettiest boy I've ever seen
               - <3

You light up my world
        - <3

If I had to write a book each time you crossed my mind, I would write only one; for you never leave my mind
     - <3

I was talking to the moon the other night. The moon told me something about the sun, and I told something about you.
- <3

There is no such combination of words that can describe my love for you
- <3

You drew stars around my scars
- <3

I was quite flattered to be honest. Sometimes I would re-read them when I had a bad day. But the letter that I got today.... is concerning. Like, REALLY concerning.
I did my usual routine, got to school and opened my locker. Just like before, a piece of paper fell out. I could feel a slight smile creep up on my face. I picked up and read it. I kinda wish I didn't.

I really like your hair. It smells nice :)
- <3

What. The. Actual. Fuck. That's creepy as hell. I looked around, I was alone. Nobody really dared to go near me. So who could this be? That Karla girl? Absolutely not. From what I've heard she has a fat ass crush on some Jacob dude. I was freaked out a little bit, but I had to continue with my day.

During lunch I met up with Y/N on the roof. I showed them the note. They had the same reaction as me. "What the hell? This is some obsessive shit" they said as they scanned the note. Their brows were furrowed and their eyes were wide. They seemed almost as shocked as I was. "I know, it kinda creeped me out ngl" I rubbed the back of my neck, unsure of what to do. They told me that the best thing would be to keep the note just in case. What did they mean by that? Is it gonna get worse?

I continued my day, alerted a little bit. School was boring for the most part. I also didn't beat my score today. I arrived home and put on my Black Sabbath shirt and some sweatpants. It wasn't time for bed and I was bored, so I decided to take a little walk to ease my mind. It helped a lot. Once I returned I just went to sleep hoping that tomorrow's letter will not be like this.

Secret Admirer- Vance Hopper Where stories live. Discover now