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I woke up already dreading the day in front of me. It was pouring. I hated rain because it always ruins my hair. I did like watching it from somewhere where I was dry. I got up with a groan and looked at my alarm clock. Shit! I slept through my alarm! I got ready quickly and left the house, thankfully, not forgetting my umbrella.  I actually didn't wanna be late for once. And there is only one reason: I have art first period. Y/N sits with me in that class. I was also hoping we would get to have a little chat before class started, guess not.

I finally arrived to school. Class hasn't started yet. I just rushed towards the classroom tossing my soaking umbrella in the bin next to the door once I got there. There was only one other umbrella there. I looked towards the classroom. Y/N was the only one here. They were listening to some music on their walkman and sketching. I smiled slightly to myself. They look so pretty when they're in their element. I sat down next to them. They looked up from their sketch and smiled at me. I smiled back. They went back to sketching and I just admired them. At some point they turned off their walkman and put it in their bag. I saw this as my chance to talk to them.

"How come you were the only one here?" I asked. "I woke up earlier than usual. I didn't have anything better to do so I just came here. And I was kinda hoping we would talk..." they said the last part quietly as if they didn't want me to hear. But I did hear it. I smiled knowing both of us were hoping to talk to eachother today. "I was planning on getting here early so we could talk, but I slept through my darn alarm." I rolled my eyes, still kinda frustrated at myself. They just chuckled. There was still 10 minutes left until class started. Plenty of time to chat. When I got here they seemed like they had a raincloud constantly hovering over them. Just really depressed. But now they seemed to cheer up a little bit. Do I make them happy? They sure make me feel better. I guess I make them feel better aswell.

We chatted and laughed at random stuff we could think of. That lasted for about 7 minutes. Other kids started entering the classroom. I sighed knowing our convo is coming to an end.
The class began shortly after. We were drawing today. Honestly, I couldn't draw for shit. Y/N helped me with the sketch a little bit. They really are amazing. We turned in our work since we finished early. Y/N obviously got an A. I got a B which I was overjoyed with. I couldn't really show how happy I was ofc. Had to keep up my reputation or whatever. I haven't gotten into fights as much. Well, only since Y/N and I became friends.

Y/n and I parted ways when we left the classroom. They went to use the restroom, and I went to my locker. Once I got there I took in a deep breath, preparing myself for whatever the new letter will contain. I opened my locker and like always, a paper note fell out. I picked it up and read it. I felt my stomach drop.

I like your Black Sabbath shirt :)
   - <3

Secret Admirer- Vance Hopper Where stories live. Discover now