A Note

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*2 months later*
During the first week of Y/N being here I noticed a few things about them. They were alone most of the time. They were the top student in most classes while I was, well, pretty much failing. They helped out anyone in need, but took nobody's bullshit at the same time. They didn't smile a lot... Actually, they didn't show a lot of emotion at all. They used to chat with me here and there. Just casual small-talk. But they soon isolated themselves completely. I'd sometimes wonder if I scared them off. But then they would give me a tired smile.

They are quite confusing to be honest. I don't mind. I grew quite fond of them and miss talking to them actually. I might have a little crush on them? Not too sure about that. But Brock keeps teasing me about them. "Dude, you're always staring at them. It's so obvious that you like them!"... He might be right. I don't know really..

I still have those strange dreams sometimes. And each time they seem to get worse. The dreams always start out the same:  I'm in a black void, I walk around and find Y/N sitting on the ground, then something bad happens.
One time I nearly burned to death in the dream, the other time I drowned in what I assume were Y/N's tears. I had a dream last week. It was around the time when Y/N was completely isolated from everyone, including me. We didn't talk for 2 weeks or more. Anyways, back to the dream. Same shit in the beginning. Once I got to Y/N it was a little different. Stone walls surrounded them. I peeked through a crack in the wall and looked at them. They had a crazy expression on their face which nearly scared me shitless. Their eyes were wide open and they had a big grin on their face. Their hair was messy and the bags under their eyes were really bad. I watched as they frantically scribbled something on a paper, ripping in the process. Once the paper ripped, their expression dropped. Eyes still wide, but they weren't smiling anymore. Tears started streaming down their face as they grabbed the ripped paper. They just stared at it. It was quiet for a moment before a loud laughter came out of nowhere. A million voices were laughing, coming from every direction. Y/N was still blankly staring at the paper, not moving an inch. The laughter became louder and louder. So loud that the stone walls collapsed. Y/N was still not moving. The laughter was unbearable at this point. I thought my head was going to explode. I woke up after that. I can't tell anyone about my dreams. I don't wanna end up like that Blake girl. What was her name again? Starts with a G... Meh I don't care.

I headed towards my last class before lunch break. It was math. God, I fucking hate math. We also have a seating arrangement in that class. I was still sitting in the back with some Karla girl. Y/N sat behind me in the actual back seat, all alone. Karla would sometimes ask Y/N for the answers but that was it. She didn't talk to either of us, she rather spent the class doing her makeup or sending notes to her bestie. There was 5 minutes left of class and I was honestly just pretending to listen. I don't give a fuck about any of this shit anyways. I heard a weird clipping sound somewhere in the classroom, like someone was using scissors. Whatever, probably someone making last-minute cheating answers for a test.

The bell finally rang signaling it was time for lunch. I quickly gathered my stuff and left that shitty classroom. I went to my locker, planning to just throw my bag in there and go for a smoke break. Once I reached my locker, I put in the code and opened it. A piece of paper fell out of it. What? I picked it up, threw my bag into the locker, grabbed a pack and a lighter, and closed the locker. I observed the paper in my hands. It looked like a note? Fuck it, imma read it.

No scenery is as beautiful as your eyes
                    - <3

What the hell? A love note? Is this a prank? Did someone mistake my locker for someone else's? I was so confused. I looked around trying to find anyone who seemed at least a tad bit suspicious. I was alone in the hallway. I decided to keep the note just in case. I put the note in my pocket and went to the roof.

( "heh he's got the note... And he kept it")

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