Part 4 - Do we have a deal

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"Okay, you have me. Now, what do you want?" she asks with a snap to her tone.

Yeah, what do you want, Karan? I'm not even sure. I just know that I couldn't let her walk away, not when I feel like I could use her the same way she used me.

Needing to collect my thoughts, I say, "Want a drink?"

"Actually, yes. Margarita on the rocks, no salt." That I can do. Facing the bar, I grab the bartender's attention with a nod. I give him the order and request a refill for myself.

While that's being filled, I say, "Want to properly introduce yourself?"

"If I must." She brushes the hem of her dress that has ridden up to her midthigh from crossing her toned legs.

"I'm Tejasswi Prakash. I absolutely despise the woman who was just here because she's a know-it-all bitch who is mad at me and I think out of spite, she decided to date my ex, who I'm over, just so you know. Nothing like freeing the guy who acted like a dead fish in the bedroom." I nod.

"And what is this assignment she speaks of?" Teju rolls her eyes just as the bartender places our drinks in front of us.

I offer a thank you and bring my glass to my lips as she says, "Just the stupid assignment for our internship that's worth all of my score."

I nearly spit out my drink as I attempt to swallow, choking on the burning liquid. After a few coughs, I say, "Internship? As in you're . . . in college?"

When she nods, I mutter, "Jesus Christ, please tell me you're of age."

Her brows narrow. "Of course I'm of age. All college students are."

Huh . . . she's right. They are.

"How old are you?" She tilts her head.

"Twenty-Four. How old are you?"

"Twenty-Eight," I answer.

"You kissed an experienced man," I point out.

"More than I can say for your ex who looked like he still watches Tom & Jerry on Saturday mornings."

"So what are you doing in college still? Getting your master's?"

"Yupp, master's in journalism, heading into my last year of college."

My phone dings next to me with incoming text messages, I'm reminded of my dilemma. ANUSHA.

SHE is back in my life even though I don't want her to be.

"So you have an assignment?" I ask before taking a sip of my drink to help wash away my worries.

"Yeah. It's an article we need to write to earn our credit. Shamita decided who got what topic, and as you can imagine, she deliberately gave me Indian Television as my assignment, knowing I know nothing about it."

"I hope her teeth fall out."

I chuckle. "I could help you with that, you know. Since I act on TV and all."

"But really, how experienced are you?" she asks.

"Pretty experienced. It's my job."

"Like . . . you're a professional actor? I thought you were just, I don't know, some struggling influencer or something people knew."

I slowly nod. I've never met anyone who has at least not seen my face or heard my name.

Balaji shows plasters it posters all over the place. "I work for Balaji Telefilms."

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