Part 30 - Too Good to be True

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"You look happy," Paras says, walking up next to me as we head down the hallway.

"I am happy," I say. "Had a great morning with Teju."

"You love her?" Paras asks.

"Yeah, man. A lot. She makes me really fucking happy." Leaning in close, I say, "I think she's the fucking one."

"Really?" he asks, surprised.

"I know it's pretty early, but I swear to God, I've never felt this before. This is a new level of connection...of...passion I have inside me. I haven't told her, but hell, dude, I love her. The feeling is so strong in my veins that I need to be around her all the goddamn time."

"And you trust her?" he asks, making me think he might have had a talk with Prince.

"I do," I answer. "I trust her with everything in me."

When I told her about Anusha, she floored me with her compassion and empathy. She showed maturity beyond her years.

"She's far more mature than I expected and has adapted to being the girlfriend of an actor much easier than I anticipated. So far. I'm happy."

"I can tell. You're on top of your game, too."

"I feel like I've shed this weight I've been carrying around. The weight of what Anusha put me through. Now that Teju has come along, it just feels different. Right. Like everything is in place."

"Morning, boys," Ananya says, cutting us off in the hallway. Ananya works for Balaji's social media team and Ananya is also the girl Paras has a huge crush on.

"Uh, hey, Annie," Paras says

"Ooo, Paras, that suit looks amazing on you. Is it new?"

I catch his cheeks blush as he shakes his head. "No, had it for a bit."

"I love it. You should wear it more often."

Why do I feel like he's going to wear it every day for the rest of his life now?

"Thanks." he says shyly

I nudge his shoulder. "You going to compliment her dress?"

Paras flashes a death look at me right before he says, "Uh, you look beautiful, Annie."

"Oh . . . thank you, Paras."

"Purple looks really good on you."

I swear to God, I see heart eyes sprouting from him.

"Thank you." She clears her throat. "Um, well, I have to go gather some things..."

"Ugh, there you are," I hear Anusha say as she walks up to us in a pair of skintight black pants and a purple top that dips low in the front.

"Oh hey, Karan." She smiles, and it's crazy that I used to like that smile now it just seems maniacal.

Like she's plotting revenge.

"Hey," I say, hand in my pocket. She turns to Annie.

"I talked with the sponsors, and have to use the new purple rug. They're unpacking it now."

"Oh, awesome."

"Let me know if you need anything else. I'm going upstairs to work on a few graphics."

"Okay, sounds good."

"Okay, catch you later."

She walks by me and runs her hand down my arm as she passes.

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