Chapter Thirteen: Funny how people change

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Chapter Thirteen:

                “So what do you think you’re going to wear?” Ivy asked as she searched all the corners of my closet. It was indeed hopeless to getting Ivy to stop talking, she just keeps going on and on about the small accessories and the dresses and the shoes that I should wear. I agree to myself that I really did need to figure out a way to get Holly away from Andrew, even if it was for thirty minutes, to help me pick something out to wear.

Holly. I haven’t talked to her in weeks, she just hasn’t been around and me either on that note.

 I shook my head, realizing that I was staring off in the distance.

“So Wednesday can we go shopping for dresses?” I ask her, flopping down onto my bed.

I heard the word “yes” come out from behind the doors along with a sigh and then Ivy popped out of the closed doors, sporting one of my dresses. Long, blue with sequences, strapless, and her blond curls fell along the beading on the dress. Not really my favorite on me but on her, she looked amazing.

“Can I borrow—“I cut her off,” Yes, wear that!”  I shouted from the other end of my room, shaking my head furiously.

                I was in bed by 11:30, tucked in, alarm ready, bag packed for my day tomorrow, and finally about to fall asleep. That is until I hear the rocks being thrown at my window. I sigh, throwing the three covers off me and walk over to the window. To my advantage there stood Tanner. His little self gleaming his smile to me from the ground. I roll my eyes and grab my cell phone off my table; knowing that I could call Tanner. Tanner has moved up to spot number two on my speed dial, other than Holly at first. Though, I don’t use her number anymore.

“Okay, tell me what exactly you’re doing outside my house?” I said into my phone, still glancing down to the tall figure down on my lawn.

“Ha, join me?” He asked mild tone so he wouldn’t wake up my parents.

I know I sighed, rolling on the balls of my feet, attempting to decide on what I should do.

“Give me a minute.” I whispered, shutting my phone closed and then turned on my heels and ran to my closet.

I grabbed my closest skinny jeans, threw them on. Found my slouchy-one-shoulder shirt and slipped that on, then just slipped into my ballet flats.

Tonight was going to be more of a struggle to sneak out. My parents just fell asleep, which means they are more awake than asleep, so one noise will give it all away.

                Of course this one night the stairs decided to creek at every step I take, sending me into inconsolableness.

Ok one step at a time, they won’t wake up if you make it quick and snappy. My mind told me and I ended up going faster down the steps.

I walked out of my front door, with a rush of adrenaline crushed into me and a sigh rushed out.

“I was starting to get worried.” He spoke through complete darkness and I struggled to find his outline.

“Yeah well if you, I don’t know, called me before you decided to come here and whisk me away somewhere, I might actually been faster.” I retorted in his direction as I followed him to his Jeep and hoped into it.

“So where exactly are we going?” I whispered to him as he slowly and practically silently backed out of my drive.

“Holly and Andrew called me, they said they wanted me to pick you up and bring you to Autumn Lake High’s football field. Apparently a huge party is happening down there and Holly wanted you to go.” He tells me, bringing my eye brows up to the three names I haven’t heard/said in a long time. Holly, Andrew and Autumn River High.

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