Chapter Thirty Four: Don't start Cain!

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Chapter Thirty Four:

                Science sucks by the way; not only is their new seating arrangements hence Tanner is now all alone in the corner of the room (which I have a feeling he prefers better) but I’m the only person sitting at a two seat table alone. You guessed it, I’m now in the very front of the classroom, Tanner along the back and I can’t slack off anymore.

I’m really starting to hate my life.

“So I want you to take all these notes.” Miss. Archer notified us, scrolling her mouse down to show easily four pages of notes; and I go by word document lengths.

She seemed irregular perky today, strong and unwilling to go on with her life in sorrow. Her hair was tied up now; giving us the chance to see her rosy cheeks. Her eyes were a brighter color; almost clear like from her well- judging by the way she used to cry in class, you wouldn’t even be able to notice her color of eyes. But they are defiantly sea green this afternoon.

 I’d say she cleans up pretty well.

The class chorused a group sigh as we all took out our–unused-notebooks and begun to scribble down the notes along the projector screen. I hardly heard the door open and close by my automatic concentration on my work. But judging by the common stares and hushed whispering, told me someone extremely important just walked in.

I took a glance up at the tall figure striding his way over to Miss Archer.

 I could have sworn she was mesmerized just like all the other girl students in the class!

I’m really rethinking this school by now.

She stood, holding her hand out for him to shake (like he was the president and it was an honor to meet his fine self), and then searched the classroom for an empty desk.

Oh no! No, no, no!!!


Dang it!

I refocused my stare to her, saying the words along “Yes.” Or at least I hoped I said that, who knows right at that moment; I had a lot of words streaming through my head.

“Would you so kindly move your things so Mr. Cain can take a seat?” She asked me, eyebrows practically touching the ceiling.

I clutched my fingers in my palm and slowly pulled my mouth into a smile as I watched Damon steal every girl in the rooms’ attention.

Were they really so naive?

Beats me.

He pulled the chair out next to me, making the girls behind us shriek at the thought that he might actually talk to them.

How the heck did he become so popular if this was his first day?

“So, every other Ap Science Class didn’t want me?” He said, causing me to wish I could stab myself even more just by the sight of his cocky-ness.

He took a seat, folding his fingers into each other’s and laying them on the black desk. He situated himself so he could stare at me, which I’m sorry but I don’t like people always looking at me.

It just creeps me out.

He laughed, slipping his black book bag off his shoulders and laying it under the table.

 “I can understand why.” I remarked to him, straitening my posture a bit.

“So what you always sit alone in class?”

“Oh no, only in this class. I had high anticipations that Damon Cain was going to sit with me this year. So I asked Miss. Archer if I could sit alone. Couldn’t risk the chance that any other girl in this class deserves eighty minutes of your dark appearance.” I whispered to him, hopefully coming off as sarcastic.

I think I did my job correctly.

His sly smile changed, as if what I said was to challenge him. He brought his hand to his jaw line, tapping it slowly to come off as logical-which by the way was a slim to none chance.

“And yet I end up with the one girl who doesn’t seem to care for my built frame or killer smile.” He said, flipping his black bangs out of his face.

Oh gosh.

“Killer smile? Sweetie it’s two thousand and eleven, not two thousand and nine; nobody says killer anymore. And you’re right, it does seem like I’m the only girl who doesn’t care about appearances in this school. But hey if you want to meet someone who does care about all those things, take a gander at Taylor Harper. She’s your perfect example.”

“Ah, so this Taylor Harper girl did you wrong? And what are we, country? Nobody says gander anymore.” He says, now picking up his bag and searching for a pencil.

Miss. Archer looked up from her desk, grimacing at the two of us (yet it seemed more like she was grimacing at me) for talking.

“Miss. Manson, Mr. Cain. Please do your work.” Miss Archer said, bringing her eyes into a narrow shape.

“Sorry Miss Archer.” I said, changing my glance to my notes. Damon said along the lines of “Yeah what she said.” and an actual apology.

“You honestly don’t know how to whisper?” I mumbled to him, scratching out a line in my notes for writing the wrong definition for the word I was on.

“Oh my goodness!!” Damon shouted as the bell went off. Oh I remember how I acted the first time I heard the bell, I’m pretty sure a heart attack occurred.

“Oh right, you’ll get used to the bell.” I told him while I collected my things and headed for the door.

“Yeah I guess.” He mumbled, clutching his chest in his hand; I’m pretty sure that occurred for me as well.

I walked out of the classroom and into the hallway, by the way another thing I hate about people is when they shove you out of the way to meet up with their girlfriend just so they could make out with her.

You guessed it.

“Ow! I’m standing here.” I yelled at the boy in the grey sweater. He turned shooting me a grimaced look and then acting as if it was shock.

“Right um, sorry.” Tanner said, continuing to run through the halls to probably prance around with his happy relationship.

I huffed out a breath, turning and ramming right into a group of people behind me.

 “I am so sorry!” I shrieked, bending down to help them pick their things up. And to make this day any worse, Damon walked out of the door, saw what was happening and sniggered his way out of the building.

“Don’t start Cain!” I yelled from behind him, rolling my eyes and pleading the girls to stop yelling at me.

I hate this day.

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