2. Not easier, easier, not easier...

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Couple of months later... one day before summer school starts

Imogen's POV

Nope it did not get easier. As we went back to school everyone was looking at us and talking about us. I mean I get it, a lot has happened but still it's very weird.

While the contact with Aria is amazing I lost contact with the other girls a little. We were all quite busy though. Faran started swimming more, Mouse is mostly hanging out with Ash, Kelly is spending a lot of time with her mom to recover from everything that has happened, Tabby and I finally got all my stuff from my old home and her mom will soon sell it. I think it might be the best and she already found a nice young couple for it. And Noa... honestly I haven't seen much of her lately but she is probably busy with track practice. She ist still staying at Mouse's place while her mom is in rehab.

Anyways because of what happened we missed a lot of school and now we have to attend summer school for the next couple of weeks. But I'm kinda glad to get back on track after all this mess.

Tabby's POV

I have to say the last couple of weeks were exhaustening. But I feel like I'm getting much better. It sounds bad but Chip's death got me so much closure about what he did to me. Still, I also feel bad for him and I don't know why but after all he used to be my best friend.

I guess I just need more time and maybe seeing the girls at summer school more often and getting back to work might help. Thank god this entire "A" nightmare is over...

Faran's POV

I. Feel. Great. Things are finally looking up. Henry and I are doing so well right now and my mom and I also have a much healthier relationship now.

This nightmare was definitely horrible but some good things came out from it aswell. I follow my PT well and I'm making good progress. I still can't dance but I picked up swimming and I have to say.. I love it. It's good for my stamina, my back and I can even compete once in while.

Soon I will get back to dancing though and I'm going to give my best to impress our new ballet teacher Mrs. Lambert.

Mouse's POV

Mixed feelings is what describes my life the best right now. Ash and I are really happy together and my moms couple therapy seems to be working as they go on regular dates. I also get a lot of more free time and that's quite refreshing.

Now the bad part..my grandmother. She's staying with us as my parents are out of town the next three weeks and I really love her but she is quite strange sometimes. Lola often forgets stuff and sometimes she tells me weird stories that she reads on the internet. Some of them are quite scary but it's all make-believe anyway.

Well I guess I will have to live with this... and Noa. I almost forget about her, because it's like she's not even here. She is staying in the guest bedroom downstairs so I don't hear her when she sneaks out at 4:30 in the morning to go for a run. She has been obsessed with training, especially after her mom has left for rehab. She is also gone a lot troughout the day, mostly she says that she's been with Shawn but I'm not sure that's always true. Like last week as I asked Shawn how their date was while we were teamed up in Biology for a project and he said he haden't seen Noa in a while himself. I just hope she's okay. I know this thing with her mom is really hard on her and she feels alone somtimes, though she isn't.

Kelly's POV

Believe it or not, my life is much better after everything that has happened. I do miss Karen a lot tough, it's like a part of me is missing. Daddy's death was suprising but relieving. After his funeral I noticed how much his constant verbal abuse hurt me. But no more. He's gone.

My mom and I go to therapy regulary and she found a job as a secretary in an elementary school. We also moved to a smaller house as our old one had too many bad memories in it. All in all things are looking up for me.

Greg and I are still a thing but sometimes I wonder if he really loves me or if he still feels like he's looking at Karen when he's looking at me...

Noa's POV

Hell. My life is hell right now. I thought things will get better after christmas. I mean Chip the fucking rapist is dead, Beasley the dirty pig is gone and "A" also burns in hell. But I feel so lost right now.

My mom has been in rehab for a couple of weeks now and we barely talk. Shawn and I have been fighting a lot because I don't have much time for him right now. Next to school and early track practice I still take shifts at "Pinball Pizza". I told the girls I quit but the truth is we need the money. Tough I'm staying at Mouse's place and my mom is gone too, we still have to pay our rent for this shitty apartment in this fucking dirty crackhouse.

So I'm trying to survive on energy drinks and 3-4 hours of sleep every night. And as if things are not terrible enough already, summer school starts tomorrow morning. Fuck my life.

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