5. ComebAck

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One week later


I don't like admitting it but the girls were right. This pressure I've been putting on myself with work was too much. I still work at the diner once in a while, mostly on weekends. This way I can still save up some money in case I'd need it. Now I have much more time and energy for track. Which is why I'm currently jogging trough the woods, getting in shape for the upcoming races.

Tabby and Imogen decided to join me on their bikes as Imogen wants to lose the rest of the pregnancy weight. I gotta say...they are really slow.

Imogen POV

"How is she so fast? I mean we are on the bike, she is on her feet." Imogen gasps as they are trying to catch up with Noa. "Well, she runs every morning, she's used to it. But she is damn fast for such short legs I'll give you that." Tabby answers equally out of breath.

We finally catch up with Noa at the big oak tree near the lake. This place reminds me of the quarry where my dad lives. I've been thinking a lot about him lately. Wondering what he's doing and wether I should call him or visit him maybe.

"There you are. Took you long enough" Noa's voice breaks through my thoughts. "Well, you are freakishly fast, girl." Tabby pants getting off of her bike. I laugh and get of of mine as well. I don't know why but somehow I feel like we are being watched. But then again I still am a bit paranoid after everything that has happened.


I jump as I heard the sound. "Did you guys hear that?" I wince while turning to the girls. "Was probably just an animal or something, don't worry about it." Tabby calms me down and touches my arm. I take a deep breath but still feel a bit lighheaded. "I'm sorry but can we leave, I don't feel so comfortable out here." I say as I get back on my bike. "Sure" the other two say and we make our way back home.

I turn around one last time but see nothing suspicious. Maybe Tabby is right and it was just an animal.

Honrada house

Mouse POV

I sit at the table in the kitchen when my grandmother comes down the stairs. "Morning Granma" I say and turn back to my cereal. "Good morning my dear child." She says and goes to get a cup of coffee. Almost every morning she forgets where the cups are. "Right side Lola." I tell her.

She sits down with her coffee and looks at me intensly. "Have you heard?" She asks me out of the blue. I gulp down my orange juice and frown at her. "'Bout what?"

"The bloody lady..." she whispers. I look at her like a deer in headlights. What was this about again?

"Is this one of these creepy stories you read on this weird online forum?" I ask her.

"Spooky Spaghetti? Yes! Her story seems quite famous right now, it has a lot of likes some people even want to dress up like her this Halloween." she explains excitedly. God this is the worst why can't she be interested in other stuff like...baking. "Listen, she was a woman in 1889 who lost all her loved ones in a fire that was set by people from the town she lived in. Her family had a bad reputation in town and her father had lots of conflicts with other farmers. One night their family house was set on fire by one of her dad's enemies. No one survived but her. She had severe injuries and was covered in bandages. People say she vanished one day and her ghost comes back to haunt the people of the town who were responsible for her family's death. They say her ghost is always covered in bloody bandages and she still tortures the people of the town she used to live in...Millwood." Lola finishes and looks at me with wide eyes.

"Lola, it's a stupid story. It's not true, okay?" I say, though I did get a little scared by her story. "Just watch out alright? She is still getting her revenge!" she says and leaves to go shower. I knew she was invested in these stories but it seems like she is taking it a bit too serious for my liking.

Obviously it's just make-believe...right?

Faran POV

Kelly and I are in the ballet room right now to practice a little, well she is practicing while I am mildly stretching a little... I do miss dancing a lot. "Soon you'll be back to dancing as well, trust me." Kelly smiles at me, making me feel a bit better. Don't get me wrong, swimming is fun but nothing compares to the feeling of floating around like a feather while I'm dancing.

"Excited to meet the new teacher ?" Kelly asks me ripping me from my thoughts. "Ehm, yeah, I guess." I answer her. "I hope she'be be strict, it's what keeps you motivated, don't you agr-" Kelly can't finish her sentence as the music starts playing loudly out of nowhere. I run to my phone to see that it isn't even conected with the music box. The music ends as fast as it started. Weird.

"Was your phone conected to the box?" I ask Kelly confused. She only shook her head.  

No one POV

A lot of weird things happened to the girls today. All of them felt uneasy and nervous. Probably just paranoia. They all went to bed, when at 2:30 their phones rang.

The girls all wake up at their respective homes and check their phone, only to read the following text:

missed me, bitches

- A 

Honrada house

Mouse stares at the text on her phone when all of a sudden she hears a loud scream coming from downstairs. She runs down to see her Grandma standing in the living room. She turns around, shock and fear written across her face and says: "The bloody lady was here..."

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