10. Decision

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"What the fuck?" Kelly almost screams. "What is this? Is this a sick joke?" She continues.
"Omg do you think this is real?" Faran asks.
"What are we gonna do now? Should we go to the police?" Mouse says while locking the door of her bedroom.
"NO! We can't, it says they will both die if we tell someone." Imogen intervenes. "Excuse me, I don't care what "A" says, this is crazy and we can't deal with this on our own. He or she is literally asking us to play god." Noa says worried, she can't have anything else on her record after juvie.
"I don't know wether we should test "A" or not. What if this is true and "A" kills these girls." Tabby tells the girls.
"Okay, okay how about we find out everything we can about these girls and then we figure something out." Faran suggests. The girls have split opinions on this but decide to do what Faran proposed.

2 hours later

The girls divided into two groups to collect information about the missing girls.
"Alright Stacie is an 18 year old girl who grew up in different foster families. There is a report that claims that one of her former foster dads was arrested for child molestation. Therefore she might have been a victim of abuse as well. She dropped out of school when she was 16 and started working in a diner but was fired cause
she stole money. Now she's been missing for almost 3 weeks. Her foster parents believe she just ran away to find a better place. She seems like someone who never had it easy but always tried to somehow survive." Tabby explains after investigating this girl's life with Imogen and Noa.
"Clara Thompson, as I mentioned before she is a 16 year old girl who dances at the dance studio in town and goes to a private school called "Westpalm High" about 30 minutes away from Millwood. It seems like she is the total "It girl" who rules the halls of her school. She regularly posts fancy pictures on instagram often together with her equally fancy group of friends. We went through the last couple of her posts and underneath several there were comment like "she's a total bitch", "biggest bully I know", "beautiful but makes others feel ugly". So it seems like she was bullying others while walking the halls like a queen. Similar to..."
"My mom..."
"My sister..."
Imogen and Kelly interrupt Faran.
"Yup." Faran finishes her speech on Clara.

"Okay guys, this is great but how does this help us." Mouse wonders.
"Now we know that Clara seems like someone who fits into "Archie's" motive of going after bullies." Imogen states.
"Yeah but the other girl doesn't and even if, guys this is way out of our league." Kelly says
" I mean we can't decide over people's lives and we don't know wether this person is just pretending." She ads.
"Well after last year I personally believe there are people out there sick enough to do this." Tabby reveals.
"Maybe but this is just too much, besides all the people related to what happened last time are either dead or in jail. There is no real motive." Mouse says.
"But where is this person getting the picture of the two girls from if this is not true." Imogen wonders out loud.
"Edited, maybe, I don't know. But I don't care, we tell the police. They will take care of this." Noa says, not 100% convinced herself.
"I agree with Noa, tomorrow morning we walk to the police department. We show them everything and that's it." Faran suggests.
Though they are all not sure or convinced, they decide to that.
For now they try to sleep but neither of them can.

12 o'clock in the morning

"Guys we still have 12 hours left to think of something else." Imogen tries to convince the girls while they are walking to the police station.
"I don't think there is a smarter way to handle this." Mouse answers.
They are standing outside of the station ready to walk in there and tell the police about the disturbing texts.

The girls all look at each other already knowing who this will be.
It's not a text, but a video.
"Omg." Kelly whispers.
The video shows a gloved hand holding a knife, then the knife was stuck into the Clara's thigh. Blood oozing from the wound.
The girls gasp as a text flies in as well.

"Are you sure you wanna walk in there and tell them about me?" - A

"What the fuck?" Noa whisper-yells.
"See I told you that weirdo knows everything, we can't go in there." Imogen says, worried about these two girls.

Back at the Honrada House

"Flip a coin?"
"Noa!" All the girls shout out.
"What I don't know what to do either." Noa defends herself.
"Well the truth is, one of them is a bully while the other one already seemed to have endured a lot in life." Faran suggests.
"Guys we are not seriously going to make a decision here. We can't choose either of them. That's not our place." Mouse says nervously, relieved that her grandma is still gone for her book club meeting.
"Well it seems like we have to." Imogen says with tears in her eyes. Unbelievable what "A" is asking them to do. Choose between two lives. How sick is that...
"Guys maybe "A" is only testing us. We give an answer and maybe no one will die. Perhaps he or she just wants as to obey." Imogen proposes.
"Possible. Maybe choosing one is our only shot. And the only way not both of them will be killed for sure." Tabby agrees with Faran.
" So we choose the bully? Hoping it's all just a set up?" Kelly asks also almost crying.
"Guys no, I don't want to choose." Mouse cries out.
"Let's just do nothing." Noa says.
"What? How is that a solution?" Tabby asks.
"It's not, but that way we don't have to choose and it might still be a set up and no one dies." Noa explains.
"Or both die." Imogen argues.
Noa just grunts not knowing what to do either but choosing someone's life feels very wrong.
"I agree with Noa." Faran says.
"Did not see that coming." Noa mumbles, surprised that she convinced someone.
"Either way we are going to feel guilty. But if we choose that makes it much worse, at least for my conscience.
"Worse than letting both of them die." Imogen asks Faran.
"No but we don't even know if anything happens. But I won't choose." Faran states.
"Me neither"
"Me too"
Noa, Kelly and Mouse chime in.
Tabby and Imogen look at each other nervously. Maybe they're right. Maybe not. But putting someone's life above someone else's feels terribly wrong.
So the girls decided...
They won't choose.

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