3. First day of summer school

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Parking lot at Millwood High


Tabby and Imogen are standing outside of the school waiting for the other girls to arrive. They were all supposed to come early to meet with the new principal Mrs. Tailor. The two were talking when Faran arrives and greets them. "Hey girls, long time no see." she chuckled and hugs the girls. "Well we were right here while you were sneaking around with Henry. What were you doing huh, skinny dipping at the lake? Now that you picked up swimming." Tabby says and three girls burst into laughter. "Hey, stop that. We were just doing couply things, you know." Faran argues. "Aha" is all Imogen and Tabby say. The girls continue to laugh as Kelly arrives.

"Good morning guys, what are we laughing about?" she asks as she is already engulfed in a tripple hug by the girls. "Ahh nothing important, how are you ? How's your mom?" Faran asks Kelly. "Good, we're doing good. Therapy is good for us and seems like we can slowly move on from all of this madness." Kelly explains with a faint smile on her lips. "We're glad to hear that, really." Imogen says while Tabby and Faran nod their heads in agreement. "Thank you." Kelly answered.

"Heyyy" a high voice makes the four girls turn around to see Mouse and Noa walking their way over to them. "Wassup" is all Noa can say with a tired voice, tough the sunglasses and the coffee in her hand probably already gave that away. "Hey, you look terrible." Faran says as she hugs Noa. "Why thank you, what a nice compliment." Noa argues as she takes off her sunglasses and chucks the rest of her coffee. "Are you guys ready for this ? It's probably going to be really akward, don't you think?" Mouse asks as she checks the time. "It will be but the sooner we get there the sooner it'll be over." Tabby says as they make their way to the principal's office.

Imogen stays back to ask Noa if she's alright. "Yeah, just a bit tired you know." Is all Noa answered before walking into the office. Imogen just frowns and shares a concerned look with Mouse.

"Ohhh a very good morning ladies. I hope you are ready for class. Thank you so much for coming in, have a seat." The new principal immediately says the second they walked in. The girls sit down and listen to what the new head of school has to say. "Well girls, I know shit went down with the last principal, what can I say...men." she laughs and the girls chuckle akwardly. This woman seems to be quite chill and fun. "But I asure you, I will do better. If you girls need anything or if someone is bothering you, I want you to tell me. Okay?" The girls nod their heads, suprised by how nice the woman seems. "Well that'll be it. Have fun in class... haha no I'm just kidding, nobody has fun in summer school haha." she continues to joke. The girls laugh and get up to leave the room.

"Well she seems fun." Faran says after leaving the room. "Let's just hope she stays that way." Tabby answered.

The girls make their way to the first of their three classes. The rest of the day passes by and before they know it they are already back home.

Mouse POV

We were back home for about an hour when Noa said she's heading to Shawn to watch a movie and have dinner with him. That was about 2 hours ago and now I'm starting to feel hungry as well. Lola already ate so I tought I could ask the girls to have dinner with me.

Group Chat

Hey girls, Pizza ? Been a while... - Mouse

Yeah why not. - Kelly

Sure. - Faran

20 minutes at PP? - Tabby

Sounds good. - Mouse

Front of Pinball Pizza

I saw the rest of the girls coming my way. "Hey, Noa not coming ?" Kelly asks me right away. "Ehm, no she's with Shawn so..." I say and we make our way inside the diner.

"Hi a table for five please." I ask before looking up at the person standing at the counter.


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