7. What the f...

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Later that day at the Haworthe House...
No one POV
"What the fuck" Noa yells out, thank god Tabby's mom isn't home from work yet. "I though this was all just a joke or do you think this still is?" she ads.
All the girls are sitting on Tabby's bed while Imogen and Kelly rub Faran's back, comforting her.
"I don't know but it seemed pretty real to me and also I didn't tell anyone that I was going to the pool in town. I found out the school's one is closed this morning so it was more spontaneous and I also was the only one there...or at least I thought I was." Faran explains with a shaky voice, still shocked by what happened.
"Are you okay, do you need anything?" Imogen asks Faran sweetly. "No I just need to calm down a little. What are we going to do now?" Faran states.
The girls were clueless... why was this happening again ? Who could this be ? Or is it still a sick joke ?
"I'm not sure...maybe we could tell our moms." Mouse says. "I mean after all they know about "A", perhaps they can help us." She adds.
"Yeah, the police can find out who this is and that'll be it. I'm sure it's still just a prank by someone but it still needs to end." Noa replies leaning against the door. The girls nod.
"My mom should be here in a couple of minutes ." Tabby reveals, that's when the girls' phones all start ringing again.
They share a worried glance...this can't be "A"...right?

"You can try, but neither of you can swim away from me. And you shouldn't tattle on me either because I have access to secrets you don't want to be revealed. Kisses"

Tabby reads the text all the girls received out loud.

"Fuck...you think this is real?" Noa asks nervously.
"I'm not sure we should test it. Last time "A" did know a lot of our secrets. I mean we don't know what they know." Kelly exclaims. All the girls look at her.
"What? My Father, who was a rapist, and my sister were killed and my mom has mental issues because of it..of course there are secrets I don't want everyone to know about." Kelly explains emotionally. "Or do you guys don't have any secrets at all?" She adds to her statement.
The girls look at one another..of course they all have some secrets they don't want people to know about.
"Okay so what do we do? Just sit around and wait?" Mouse wonders.
"For now? Yes. We wait. Until now "A" did not make us do anything. Maybe he or she just wants us to listen. Let's do that for now." Tabby  states.
The girls agreed on waiting. Maybe this will just stop once "A" gets bored.

"I just don't get how "A" knows that we're all together. Or how he knows Faran was at the pool down town." Noa asks.
"Well last time he was able to figure it out somehow as well. And he had principal Clanton as an inside lookout." Imogen explains.
"Yeah well I don't think any of us told "A" we would meet here." Noa answers.
"No but I texted you. Perhaps he or she or whatever can see our texts.." Faran elaborates.
"Either way, for now we wait and we'll be carful." Tabby tells the girls.
None of the girls were relaxed when they went home. But they try to keep a cool mind and focus on school for now. Maybe this entire issue will solve itself.

Faran's House...

Faran POV
I can't believe this happened to me today. How am I supposed to sleep right now?
Wait..fuck I forget about Henry. I take my phone and call him.
"Hey I was already wondering if you were still gonna call." Henry said over the phone.
"Hi, I'm so sorry. One of the girls had a... a girl emergency so we met at Tabby's house to help." I lie, can't believe I'm lying to my boyfriend.
"Oh, well is everything okay?" He asks me worriedly.
"Yeah, yeah, nothing serious just..girl stuff." I try to explain to him.
"Oh I understand, well I'm glad you're okay. Still wearing my gift?" He asks and I can feel him smiling.
"Of course, not planing on taking it off anytime soon." I state proudly.
"I'm glad. Will I see you tomorrow?" He asks.
"Yeah, sure." I say.
"Well then, see you tomorrow. Goodnight." He tells me.
„Goodnight Henry." I say and hang up.
Henry is the only thing keeping me sane right now, I'm so grateful for him, especially right
Let's hope this "A" shit will end soon.

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