13. Blackmail

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Tabby's POV

We are on the way to the police station, ready to tell them everything we know, just like last time. Though I'm still not a 100% sure this is the right thing to do, I guess it would still be less messy, then getting involved in A's sick little games. 

We get out of the car and all take a deep breath in. "Are we sure this is what we wanna do?" Imogen asks us. "No but I think it's the right thing to do and perhaps the only way for us to get out of this." Kelly answers. "I sure hope you're right about that." Noa whispers under her breath. We walk towards the doors of the police station when all of our phones go off. We come to an halt and exchange worried glances. This could only be A. 

I take out my phone and read out load.

"There is no easy way out of this bitches. Walk in there and I will be the one to leave an anonymous tip at the police station. As you might have noticed, all my past messages have been deleted, also the one with the timer. The same way this text will delete itself within the next 30 seconds. All that will be left are your footprints leading to the barn where two girls were murdered. Play this game with me and do as I say or you guys will wind up in jail or worse. Kisses A"

And just before I can re-read the text, it's gone and there is no trace of A on our phones anymore. 


"Oh no, what are we going to do now!" Kelly exclaims loudly and we all hush her. "Well we could still tell them, perhaps they will believe us." Mouse suggests even though she doesn't seem convinced herself. "Ehm, no? We can't! Motive or not, all the police will have are our traces at the barn. We, on the other hand only have empty words for them." Faran argues. "We could pretend like we found the girls there and wanted to get help." Mouse suggests. "I doubt it. Why should we be wandering around a creepy lake in the dark, almost 10 miles away from Millwood? There is no way they will buy that and not suspect anything." Noa rightfully says. 

"Still, we need to go back now." I say and all the girls look at me. "Well our footprints are still there and the girls are too. So I say we go back to our old plan. We bury them, get rid of any evidence and that is it." I add.

Even though none of us really want to follow my plan, we all know it's the only thing we can do. So we pile up in the car and drive down to the lake again. On the way all I could think about was A. Who is this person? I mean he or she has got to do something with Archie Waters, right? Or is someone else trying to fuck with us? I have many questions in mind, but I am sure that getting involved in a murder is obviously a stupid thing to do. But we know what A is capable of and he or she could easily turn all of this on us. So we need to do this and hope that we won't get caught.  

Later at the lake 

"Alright you think that's deep enough?" Noa asks, looking up from inside the hole her and Faran just dug. "Yeah, I guess...This is my first time burying a body, you know?" I say while giving her a hand to get out of the hole. "Hopefully this will also be the last time." she says and wipes the dirt off of her face. Thank god Kelly cleaned her car a couple of days ago and still had some disposable gloves and trash bags left in there. The last thing we want to do, is leave even more of our DNA here. So we all wore gloves and we also put trash bags over our shoes and our hair.

"Okay...Let's do this." Faran states and we both grab the first girl, ready to slowly lift her into the hole. But we pause when Mouse says "Stop!". We put the girl down and turn towards her.

"Guys...we really shouldn't do this. I mean this-this-this is crazy." Mouse stutters while crying. "You know what's crazier? Jail! Believe me when I say, it's not a fun place to be and I only went to juvie for one summer. Can you imagine going there for years? Cause that is what we're looking at here and I don't want to go there again. Besides we already startes now, we got involved and it's too late to go back now, alight?" Noa harshly explains. I get her though, she has been to juvie before and only God knows what it was like in there for her. 

"Noa's right. We need to do this now Mouse." I agree with Noa and try to convince Mouse. "Can we at least try and make this...nice... I mean this is basically their funeral." Mouse says with pleading eyes and we all understand what she means. 

So while Faran, Noa and I put the two girls into the hole, the others go and grab some flowers they were able to find around the lake. Imogen puts the flowers on both of the girls chest and we all take a second to pay our respects. Some of us prayed, some of us just stayed silent. 

After a minute or two we start filling the hole up with dirt and cover it up with a bit of junk that was laying around the barn. "Okay, now lets take a good look around and let's get rid of all evidence. 

We cover up our footprints, make sure there is no blood visible anywhere, we disinfect the shovel and put it back into the corner of the barn. 

Lastly we drive the car back to the main road and Noa and I go back to smudge the traces of tire prints that were left where we parked the car earlier. Back in the car we all take of our gloves and the plastic bags from our shoes and hair. We stuff them into a big trash bag together with the sheet that we found in the barn, that had covered up the girls. 

We drive back to Millwood, more specifically to Pinball Pizza where Noa disposes the trash bag in one of the big dumpsters, hoping nobody will find it among all the other trashbags in there. 

We decide to drive to Noa's place as this is the only place where no one is home. But on the way we are all quiet. I can only guess that we are all thinking about the same thing... the fact that we just got ourselves involved in a murder case. But it's too late now. What's done is done. 

Now we need to figure out who A is and make sure this nightmare ends soon. 

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