12. Shock

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No one POV
"Oh my god." Kelly gasps.
In front of the girls are two dead bodies. Limbs entangled in each other. It didn't take long for them to figure out who the girls were. It's Clara Thompson and Stacie Lightwill. Both girls have a bullet hole in their forehead and the blood that gushed out still looks rather fresh. It's clear that they haven't been dead for too long yet.
"Fuck it's the girls from the picture A showed us." Noa speaks up.
"A killed them." Mouse whispers in shock while tears are running down her face. "We should've done something. We should've told someone. This is all our fault." Mouse started hyperventilating and Imogen moves to calm her down. "Hey, it's going to be alright. We were scared our selves after what happened to us. This is not our fault. But we need to go to the police." Imogene says while rubbing a hand up and down Mouse's back to calm her down. "The police? Are you out of your mind. We can't do that!" Faran yells out. "Why not? Two people were killed." Kelly asks still looking at the two dead bodies. "Exactly. Two people that we have a photo of... being tied down. We knew these girls were in danger and didn't do anything. That's...failure to lend assistance or something..I don't know." Noa agrees with Faran. "Well we also couldn't choose one of them. And if we would've told someone, A would've found out and killed them anyway. We didn't have a real choice." Tabby argues.
"Except we did. We should've chosen one." Kelly whispers. "Are you crazy? And do what? Play god?" Tabby throws back at her. "Oh I'm sorry that I think it would've been better for only one and not both to die." Kelly argues and before Tabby can defend herself Imogen says "Guys, it's no use to fight right now. What's done is done. The important question is, what are we going to do now." The girls stay silent for a couple of seconds.
"We should leave." Noa says, worried about getting caught by the police.
"We can't just leave them here and let the world think they're still missing. We should leave an anonymous note to the police." Mouse suggests. "And then what? They will find these two girls with bullet holes in their forehead and will wonder 'what the fuck happened here'." Faran fires back.
"We should get rid of them." Kelly says with a small voice, the girls bearely heard her. "What?" Tabby asks.

"Well I don't know, maybe bury them or something, I have no idea what to do either, alright." Kelly defends herself. "No it's actually not a bad idea. We should bury them." Faran agrees with Kelly. "Where exactaly should we do that?" Tabby wonders. "Perhaps right here ? I mean this barn does not look like someone is regularly checking in here, so maybe this is our best shot." Noa throws in. "There is a shovel right there in corner, we could dig a hole behind the barn." Noa adds. "Oh god, are you listening to yourself, these girls died and we are just gonna bury them and pretend like nothing happened." Mouse whisper-yells while pacing around the barn. "Mouse" Imogen says and grabs Mouse's hand. "What else can we do? We don't know what A has planned. What if we tell the police and A turns this on us or they find out about the timer? I know this is far away from a good solution but..." Imogen tries to calm Mouse down but it does not seem to be working. "No! The police knows about what happened to us last time with A. So all we do is show them the timer, be honest and say that we were scared and they will take care of the rest." Mouse tries to convince the girls. "Maybe she is right." Kelly says. "If we're honest now perhaps nothing will happen to us, but what if we bury them now and get involved in this. A thinks he or she has the upper hand, but we can turn the tables if we are honest to the police." Kelly adds and Tabby and Imogen nod their head along. Noa and Faran do not seem convinced but decide to trust the girls on this one. 

So that is what they'll do...      

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